wooooohooooooo , now thats what i'm talkin about Russ . She sure looks perdy . Zach , i had a quick think about what you asked :huh: .... nah mate , you can make yer own when you go ROAD TRIPPIN
I heard your work is doing nothing but getting better Russ! I haven't heard anybody say anything negative about the bows you've sent out so you deserve all the kudo's you get! Maybe Kent and I need to get into the wood buiness so we can supply you...providing all you need is osage,oak,and hickory....I have unlimited supply! This going to be a full time job for you soon hopefully!
Thanks guys for the kind words. Rowell. You would not believe the trouble I had getting the Osage no one locally has it even tho it is a locally grown wood, all the stuff I found on ebay and online stores was still green, I was at the stage of pulling what hair I have left out
Well here she is strung for the first time and checking the tiller. It appears that she likes the desert bar more than the salad bar I also check the DW and she is a little fat:d So I have put her on a diet she needs to loose 6 pounds at the moment she is 56lb @ 27"
I willl just taper the limbs from 5/8" across the grooves to 1/2" back to the wedge. Then if I need to take more weight off I will trap the limbs so they will look like this from back to belly \ / Also by doing this the bow will snappy with more speed
Sunset, Thank you, I think I will go and blush for 5 mins:d Here is a better pic in daylight. All thats left is shape the riser do the tip overlays and 20 hours of sanding
Now it's party time get out the marker pen and go to town Having roughly marked the shape and posting the pics it's time to screw up the riser. OPPPPPPPSSSSSSS I mean shape the riser:d Well not only has this bow got a lot of firsts on it for me but I am doing the riser differently from the way I normally do them. Have to have a cool looking riser to match the limbs
Well I have taken off about as much as I can with the power tools It's all elbow grease from here on in. The riser ia taking shape nicely even if I do say so my self:d Dave you better have an extra pint for me mate, dang I could use a drink right about now:d
I have had 4 hours sleep since Thursday ( don't ask , unless you want the dirty details ) , but i still managed 2 extra pints for ya . Russ mate following your PM i have to say i like , you are going beyond all expectations with my bow ...... Thank you mate .
Dave. No worries mate. I want it to be the pride of England and have all your mates green with envy:d
You and your work would be very welcome on the BBA website and forums . As would all of you on here , we are a small community compared to other sites , but we plod on .
Well I am about 1/2 way through sanding the riser. Hopefully by the end of today if my fingers hold up I should have it ready for the first coat of Antique Oil finish. Back of the riser. Riser front. Shelf side. Off side. Steve. Thanks mate. I guess you have had a small peak into my world by sanding your riser down:d