Well I had something to eat and there is nothing on TV so I decided to go and do some work on the first limb. I measured and marked 1/4" in from the butt end. Then cut that section off on the bandsaw. Then I marked the limb shape. Back to the bandsaw and rough cut close to the line then onto the belt sander and sanded to the line. Well I guess you guys whom I consider family have been real good with your comments and have waited long enough to see exactly what I was doing for Dave's limbs. Well here it is, I want to thank you guys for being so patient. I had no idea they where going to turn out this good, I had a fair idea they would look good but not this good. From bottom to top they are Jatoba, Canarywood and Redheart with a sliver of oak taking up the kerf left by the bandsaw. Here is the belly. I decided to go with Purpleheart for the belly and glad I did. Dave I sure hope you like what you see.
I know i cannot swear , but that looks freakin awesome Russ . I'm glad you showed everybody , cuz i was busting a gut waiting to see the pics and waitin for the reaction . I am truly gobsmacked at how good they look , well done Russ
Thanks for the comments guys I really do appreciate them I am just about to make up the other limb and there is one other thing I want to give a whirl and thats making my own Linen Phenolic. When the limb is in the heat box I will post how I made the limb block with pics included. If the Phenolic turns out I will post that as well.
Kent. Mate yep they where plenty thick enough for me to grind. Plus I owe you a real big thank you because by you ripping them for me made it all possible
Ok the second limb lams are in the heat box for an hour or so before I can glue them up. So here is how I made the limb block. First I had to make up a jig. Then I tac glued 2 different pieces of wood together. Let that dry overnight. Then drew the shape onto the top piece of wood in this case the Canarywood. Then very carefully cut along the line with the bandsaw. Once they where cut I put the 2 pieces into the jig and held in place with G clamps. Next was to apply the epoxy to all joining surfaces and place the sliver of Oak in the gap, then with another G clamp pulled everything into place. I will add I did give the jig a good coating of paste wax so the Oak would not stick to the jig. These next couple of pics where taken as an after thought and for visual so you guys know what I an talking about. Here you can see the slight gap at the bottom of the jig just to make sure the Oak went all the way through. Then I just placed the whole jig into the heat box for 4 hours then repeated the above steps for the 3rd colored wood. Once I had all that done it was clean up on the belt sander then to make sure everything was square I ran the now limb block through the drum sander.
Just for a special treat for Dave I found some fabric that had small English flags on it, so I made up some linen phenolic for the limb butts:evil: :d No not really but I did make up some black linen phenolic for the limb butts The bad news is I might have to remake the riser 1 of the reciever sleeves the thread is at an angle so the limb wont bolt on straight Trying to find someone to retap the thread straight if not I will have to redo the riser.:mad1: Here is a visual.
No kidding mate you dont know exactly how pissed I was. Could not find anyone with a tap I could borrow so I brought one, the good part is as I was retapping it the epoxy let go and I was able to get the sleeve out the bad news is it is still firmly attached to the tap. As luck would have it I happen to have a spare sleeve, so I just finished retapping the riser to get rid of the epoxy and put the new sleeve in. Gonna have to call the supplier and get a replacement sleeve so I can have a spare on hand incase this happens in future.
If by that you mean throwing stuff out the shop door and swearing like a shearer then yep I kept my cool :d :d
Looks sharp Russ. I can't wait to see it all finished up. Smooth move on sorting the riser mess out as well!
Well it is starting to look more like a bow than a pile of ???????????????????:d Sorry about the pic but atleast it is 1 piece at the moment, hopefully I will be able to get a good run at it over the weekend.