Dangit Russ, now you stop showing those pics. You live too close to me for all the teasing. I can see a road trip coming on.
ROAD TRIP, ROAD TRIP, ROAD TRIP:d Bobby n Zach. You'll welcome just keep your cotton pickin fingers of my beer drip :d
Without Dave knowing about it I have made a change to the belly of the limbs I think Dave is gonna like the revision I have made, these are gonna be some real cool limbs to complement the riser :d Oh and the wood I have choosen looks great under the glass. Now I can hardly wait for the glass and bamboo to get here so I can finish them off
You can have your dang beer, I dont drink it. But I am definately ready to see some pics of this bow, the colors of the riser we are pretty freakin cool.
Joe. The one thing you can't see in the riser pic is the grain in the Osage, I will try and take another pic showing the grain, it looks way better than what the pic represents
In the sight window I was able to get the grain into a fish bone pattern with the Cocobolo breaking up the Osage grain. The pic is a little blurry but you can make out the grain. The bottom of the riser the grain is more spread out and will look good when it is shaped. The Cocobolo looks great up close as well.:d
Zach. Thanks mate but mother nature created the wood I only glued it together:d Ok the Brown Truck brought the rest of the gear so it's time to get busy again. The lams have been ground to final specs in the drum sander and are in the heat box. I did have to grind the wedge a tad more to get the tip paper thin. So now we put tape on the shiney side of the clear glass and measure and mark the center line. Then prepare the form with a good coat of paste wax on both the form and pressure strip. Then put some plastic wrap over the form to help catch the pushed out epoxy and to stop the limb from sticking to the form, cause Dave is only a little bloke and I doubt if he could draw the bow back with the limb stuck to the form:evil: :d :d Now time to clean up the bench and lay some old news paper ( which I dont read too depressing is the news these days ) ready for the glue up. Will be doing the glue up on the first limb in about 30 minutes The good news is so far I have not screwed anything up just hope my luck holds out till both limbs are made:d
The Grain is awesome ,i'm really enjoying see the bow coming together and yeah your right i may struggle to shoot instinctively if i cannot pick the bow up ( i was wondering what the clingfilm was for , now i know )
Alright it's fast and furious time:d Mix equal parts of the epoxy making sure it is mixed well, I added some Cabosil to the glue to thicken it a little, the cabosil turns the epoxy white. With all the lams and wedge laid out in order apply epoxy to all adjoining sides, you have to lay them up so you have glue to glue otherwise you risk having a delam. Here is the future limb all stacked up ready to transfeer to the form. I bet ya'll thought I would show the lams seperate I am leaving that till the limbs are complete:d Then transfeer the stack to the form and pull into place with filament tape making sure the butt end of the limb is hard up against the stop peg. Check and make sure nothing has moved and place another layer of plastic wrap over the stack. Then place the air hose into position. Add the top of the form and secure. Check again to make sure nothing has moved. Now add 60 PSI to the air hose. And yes you guessed it check again to make sure nothing has moved if the lams have moved then now is the time to fix them up, let the air out of the hose and straighten them up and refill the hose to 60psi. Now place the form into the heat box for atleast 4 hours. Making sure you close the lid otherwise the heat box wont be a heat box:evil: As per usual I made up more epoxy than I needed but I would rather have too much than not enough:d I also put the locking hardware into the riser did not take any pics of that. But all I done was apply a small amount of epoxy to the outside threaded part, using one of the limb bolts, a nut and Allen wrench I screwed it into position and placed the riser into the heat box as well.
Russ, what exactly is the "wedge, and if a bow is delaminating does that mean that the diffent pieces of wood are coming apart in the limbs??
Zach. All take downs have a wedge in the limb, the wedge acts as the tapered part of a 1 piece riser. Here is one of the wedges for Daves bow. Yes, either the wood pulls away from the other woods,glass or the bamboo core.
I see, this is cool stuff. Sorry but I have yet anothe question. What does putting this stuff in the heat box do, is is just to get the epoxy to adhere better?
Zach. It cures the epoxy faster, and gives the epoxy more tolerance to heat but that does not mean you can leave a bow in a hot car all day Ok the first limb is now out of the heat box:d As you can see there is a lot of epoxy to grind off before I cut the limb to shape, keep in mind that I did break a lot of the excess epoxy off. I will let it cool over night and start the shaping while the other limb is in the heat box tomorrow when I get home from work.