Ok I was able to make a start on Daves riser this morning. This is some of the woods that are going into the riser. I have these epoxied up into 2 sections and they are currently in the heat box for the epoxy to cure. So far we have Cocobolo, Purpleheart and White Oak. I am still waiting on the other wood to arrive and as soon as it does I will epoxy them all together into the riser block.Then rough cut the riser but you'll see all that later. I am also waiting on the clear glass, action bamboo and locking hardware. The limb block is on it's way to Kent he graciously offered to rip the limb block into the laminations on his bandsaw, my table saw is just too rough for making lams espcially the ones I am making for Dave but more on those later on. I have the wedges for the limbs all done as well. They are Cocobolo. Here they are ready for the sander to grind down to the line. When tapering to a paper thin end it's best to have a support block behind them so you dont break off the ends. When sanding Cocobolo it is always best to clean the belt every few minutes to stop a build up of dust and oil from the wood, as Cocobolo is a very oily wood. Here they are all finished for now I still might have a little sanding to do at the thin end of the taper. This is how they are going to be seen from the side of the limbs. When sanding wood,fiber glass and bamboo it is always best to wear one of these, the last thing you need is a lung full of wood/bamboo and fiber glass dust. I wear the mask even tho I do have a dust collector hooked up to all my machines. More to follow as the build progresses
Here are the 6 pieces glued up into 2 different blocks. Even Dave does not know where it goes from here Don't worry about the excess epoxy all that will be taken care of later on Hopefully the other wood I am waiting on will be here tomorrow when I get home from work so I can complete the riser block
Here are the 6 pieces glued up into 2 different blocks. Even Dave does not know where it goes from here Don't worry about the excess epoxy all that will be taken care of later on Hopefully the other wood I am waiting on will be here tomorrow when I get home from work so I can complete the riser block
I can't wait to have a garage, so I have the area to start building my "This Old House's Yankee Workshop" lol. I love working with wood, and everything else. I'm going to build my shop slowly, but I want to start making our own furnature. That would be so fun.
Steve. If you think the riser is gonna be nice then wait till you see the limbs wink wink. This is my most adventerious bow to date and it's gonna be real hard to top this one I made the mistake of converting my garage into a big TV room Of course then I had to build me a proper workshop out the back
Just heard from Kent the limb lams are all done and on their way back to me.:d Still no sign of the other wood, glass, boo and locking hardware.
Awesome!!!!! Dave by the looks of it you are a for a treat! Hey Russ, must be pain in the arse having to take off the gas mask every couple minutes to chug your beers???? lol:d :d :d :d
Joe No not at all, I have an intravenious (sp) beer drip set up so I get a consistant supply and the beer buzz is there all the time
I see a gathering being planned :d Zach honestly , i'm like a kid in a candy store . I cannot wait to get practicing mate .