Ok guys i'm gonna post on here for hints and tips to good form . Bow set-tuning will be seperate ( although i'm gonna try to do this myself ) . I've already learn't to straighten my back and i have to draw my bow and anchor with a lower elbow . Do you grip your bow or do you or do you keep it loose , i'm kinda semi grip if that makes sense !
I keep mine kinda semi loose Dave. It seems the tighter I grip my bow the more chance I have of pulling my bow arm to the left when I release. I know right away when I do It (gripping to hard), my arrows always go left and high.
With my recurves I'm kinda like Steve, I keep a loose grip. I only hold the bow with my thumb and index finger. I keep my wrist straight and in-line with my forearm and the arrow. My draw arm continues in the same line which terminates at the elbow. The only difference when I shoot my longbow is I grip the bow tightly with a full hand and hold it firmly. I have a one piece Howard Hill style longbow whereas you have a three piece with a recurve style riser. If I were you I'd try shooting it with a loose grip to start. Being it's a "modern" style R/D it most likely doesn't have any hand shock to speak of. Good luck with it. Shoot a lot and you'll find what works best.
I'm finding a rythm ,its just hard keeping that rythm . When i concentrate i'm hitting the spot , but if i try to hard i miss . does that make sense ?
After watching MBB3 , i made a couple of changes . Most notable is the choice to go 3 under , feels better to draw and anchor . I also use the Larry Yien anchor , the eye tooth as he calls it in MBB3 . Both allow me too hold my anchor longer , which has to be a good thing . How do i know if i have a form issue or a tuning issue ? , i can put three arrows in a 4" group and then the next 2 or 3 may go wide or high . Also where do you place the cock vane up , 90 degree out or 90 degree in to the shelf ? . i'm using 3 x 4" shield cut . I noted Denny uses 4x feather fletching in MBB3 . Thoughts please
Dave, how many arrows are you shooting in a round?? Sometimes if your shooting a bunch of arrows your rushing. I only shoot 2 or 3 arrows at a time. I try to keep it at 2, less of a chance at busting arrows as well. This will keep you from rushing things as well!
Dave. I have shot both ways and can,t really see a difference from out to in, have never tried with cock feather up. Also to slow your shots down a little leave your arrows about 5ft or so from where you stand, that way you have to walk away to get another arrow, it will also give you a bit of time to think about the shot. Like I said before don't worry too much at this stage about tuning, get your form and release down first, but keep at it mate one day your gonna walk out there and everything is going to click.
When i can get a video up i will , but this is what She is capable of at 11 yds . This is a single group ( i aimed at tad lower for lower 2 , i cannot afford anymore arrows yet ), no retakes . :d . I just cannot stop shootin at the mo , i take her to work for when i'm on break , when i get back from work , good grief , i think i'm addicted .
Well i hope the video works , first is my form ... please pick up on any problems and second 11yrd practice . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cuHWjFKxSQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdMarM6gusI I opologise for second video , it ain't great
Zach i was quite surprised myself , just how quiet she really is . I think the Beaver silencers work really well , but she was quiet before adding them . They also helped for the arrow tuning too . Hey if your moving near texas , it won't be long before you are shooting one of these sweet Kanga bows .
Oh man Dave, I am gonna get me one no doubt. My home part of Texas is still quite a ways away from Russ but either way I am gonna get one one of these days.
Dave. A couple things I did notice in the first vid on some of the shots you released as soon as you hit your anchor and 1 of them you released a tad before anchor the other is you are making an effort to open your fingers on release. When you get to anchor hold for a few seconds to settle in then use back tension as per the dvd to trigger the release. Apart from that all looks good.
I know what your saying Russ , i tried the back tension release lastnight and put my arrow in the wood behind the target ( the whole back tension thing confuses me ) . In time i will get it , i think at the mo its a case of snap shootin . I'm working on improving it all the time , i'll go back to the DVD again and then stand in front of the mirror to see how things look . Then i will go out to the target and do more practice , but alter things a little at a time . The grip ,again this is something i am working on . I make a circle with my trigger finger and thumb and leave the others slack , again this is something i'm trying to work on . Thanks for the input Buddy
I'm seeing a collapse. But the name of the game is getting the arrow where you want it which you seem to be doing.