Man, I'm so sorry to hear that. That's one of my greatest fears. I pray the surgery goes well & the recovery is swift. God bless.
Thank you for the kind words. Its going slow but on schedule!! Again thanks for the well wishes. God Bless you as well.
I had to laugh at this. Back in 2007 I had surgery on my right shoulder. It wasn't the rotator cuff, it was the labrum (cartilage in the actual socket) that needed to be repaired. Of course I'm right handed. It's amazing how many simple tasks you can't accomplish when you lose the use of the hand you normally use. That learning to wipe left handed was a mess. I hope you heal up quickly.
Little Chief, like you say I can't believe how much of a pain it is to clean my rump right handed!! its really unreal how hard the everyday tasks are affected!! Do you feel it still from 2007??
I'm a physical therapist and I had a patient who had rotator cuff surgery and then injured the opposite shoulder in a car accident a couple days after the initial surgery. His wife didn't want to wipe him so he had his brother install a post with a blunt end that could hold the toilet paper somehow and he could wipe himself by performing a squatting motion. Whatever it takes!!!!!