went to family hunting spot today and did a drive around to see if all was good as far as ladder stands made it thru the weekend of scouting my neighbors on one side are real jewels they put up stands on the fence lines, shoot over the fences , everyear i catch the same guy and his son turkey and deer hunting. last year he shot over the fence during rifle season i new where he was so i walked down there and yes they were walking in my field so i went up and ask what they thought they were doing.... he said he shot it on his side and ran over, so i made him show me, no blood but i did here him shoot so i told him i did not feel hunting 15 yards from my fence was not a very good idea and he needed to get back on his side and i would talk to the land owner about the hole deal. so today guess what , big (NO HUNTING ) signs on there side pointing my way over every deer crossing on that fence line. his stand was moved off of the fence line also.. this family has torn down every posted sign that we have ever put up on the roads and parking spots kills me the trespassers put up no trespassing signs... sorry about the rant, this is been going on for five years.
The nerve of some people. I have hunted a small property (35 ac) for 20 years and killed a lot of deer off of it. I was the only one with permision for most of those years. Ten years ago, a high school friend of mine moved into the house on the south end of this piece of land. He allowed me to continue to hunt. I stayed out his part, he stayed out of mine and this worked great for both of us. Things changed last season. This guy moved a trailerhouse about 200 yrds north of this land. Between his place is an old city dump site that has bee bulldosed over and is off limits to hunting. He is hunting on that place and the place that has always been such a good spot to me. In the last two seasons, I have seen a total of 5 deer there. Maybe it's time to move on.
this is 300 + acres and the are closet stand to there ground is 150 yards from there line. the neighbors ground is all cattle ground and they are on are ground all the time rounding up cattle that tore the fences down,told me to tell are landowner that we need new fences,and he should pay for them,i told him we dont have any cattle. and it aint going to happen.
Very true and it can be easy to lose sight of that. People do crazy things over deer. Hope things get better, ultramax. I absolutely detest trespassers.