Hello all I’m new to this forum 36/m/nj. Was just wondering if there are any other shot junkies like me out there who have to shoot everyday and have built some backyard ranges? I built this one that’s my kids target up there I also have a Reinhardt deer and a yellow jacket 450 I hang when shooting mine . Whole things made from 4”PCs a 4x6 stall mat and some various 8” screws. Would just like to see other people’s pics and ideas to maybe utilize some clever ones in my own backyard range hopefully some of my pics can benefit you all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That stall mat stops and 80lb evo evl dead in its tracks @ 20 yards my range is marked off from 10-45 yards ( the 45 is fence to fence lol) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've got a 10y range in my house. Does nothing for distance but does let me work on form and consistency. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
O ya, the lady told the cops I was shooting across the road. Wish I had the free time some people do.
I think you're on the money with this practice distance. I always start my practice shooting at 10 yards, aiming at the smallest dots on my block target. I make myself hit at least two out of three in the white before I increase distance.
Old pictures. Now - Morrell Eternity hanging and a Rinehart RhinoBlock (with a Blob as a base) for BH. I "nudged it" with the snowblower (just had to shoot) and broke a post a few years ago. I rebuilt it with posts 8" farther apart - posts outside "trusses". I bring the Morrell into the basement for the winter. I get 14 yards there.
That’s awesome bud thing looks super solid. Wish I had room to shoot indoors Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got mine built and in the ground Tuesday night and had to shoot it last night. Still have to put the roof on, hang the bag below the Matrix and put a couple hooks on to hand bows. Got steps put in last night starting at 20 going out to 70 last night. Used 12x12 pavers I had laying around and put them in level so we can mow over them. May paint the yardage on them later.
Love it great idea with the pavers right now I have large stones marking off yardage points ( they also killed the grass beneath them ) . Dude 70 is huge bud love to see some groups @70 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man that’s killer bud love the natural backstop the hill gives you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk