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Discussion in 'Introductions - New User Forum' started by Mainebowbender, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Mainebowbender

    Mainebowbender Newb

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Hello everyone wanted to say introduce myself. I was a rifle hunter in my teens, but six years with out seeing anything to shoot didn't get me in to it. I've always loved archery and would shoot as much as I could with my friends bows. I bought a PSE silver hawk 4 years ago wasn't able to go hunting with it never had the time. then 2 years after I got it I developed tendonitis in my left wrist and sold the bow. A year later I got tendonitis in my right wrist. Now I've been able to reduce the swelling and shoot again. Is there anyone else here that has had with tendonitis and if so what are you using for gear. I have a 28in draw the last bow I fired had a 50lbs draw which was a little harder to get back. Any thoughts on how low I can go or should go would be great and help with gear is welcomed thank you all can wait to get started
  2. Fitz

    Fitz Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 27, 2008
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    Ely, MN
    Welcome to the site! I hope your tendonitis continues to improve.

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