Need help and advise. Ok I am working with a scott longhorn hex to learn back tension and a surprise release, which I am getting from blind bailing and really like that I feel its helping me , but yesterday I tried to use sight and do some shooting up close at about 7 yards, but my issue with the release is I lose my aiming focus while pulling through the shot don't really know why. Now with that being said I tried my trigger release a couple times and had no issues at all, I could even execute a good surprise release while having good focus on spot. Any idea what the issue is with the BT would be. 2013 Hoyt Spyder 30 Primary Bow, Axis,400s HHA Optimizer lite ultra 5519 100gr Muzzy, 2013 Hoyt Spyder 30Backup and 3D Bow, Its not the catch or the kill its the experience! Special Thanks to Americas Best Bowstrings!
You haven’t done enough blank bail to turn the back tension process into muscle memory yet. Most coaches would tell you it’s gonna take 3000-5000 repetitions to get there. Your mind can’t consciously do two things at once and when the release process isn’t muscle memory yet it will be a nightmare when you try and aim too soon.