I am buying ASIO Tree Stand Bowhunter Pack. Lots f room for my camera gear. I really like this pack and I have that exact retractable bow rope and I have been looking for a case to accommodate it.
I have The X2. I live out west and I have hauled out elk and deer quarters with it quite often. Depending on what I am doing when I am scouting I have a cheap redhead pack I like to use. When I’m in Kansas hunting I don’t use a pack.
AlpZ Outdoors Pathfinder cannot be beat for the money. I've had mine for getting on 10 years and I use it on almost every hunt. From elk to whitetail, gun or bow, it's the most versatile I have ever seen and mine has also been ridiculously durable. I regularly drop it down from the stand at night and I've yet to have any buckle, seam or zipper fails. I finally got a tear in in one layer of fabric last season but that's because I had some sticks strapped to it and a bolt thread wore through on my walk in. Expandable Day Pack with Meat-Hauling Capabilities - ALPS OutdoorZ Pathfinder they make a couple smaller slightly less versatile ones also. Check them out I am sure you'll find something you like. If it's not the best $150 I ever spent on hunting gear, it's right there. Hunting Packs (alpsoutdoorz.com)
One of my boys has an Alps pack. He has had it for about six years and it does great. He has had no problem with it either.
Those who tout 'military grade' as a plus have probably never had to have their life depend on kit made by the lowest bidder. That's not a slam on you, Muzzy. Just a point based on experience.
I have had great luck with Badlands packs. I have a 1800cc day pack for almost 10 years. It is my primary pack for bowhunting. Other than dirt and blood stains, you would think it is brand new with how well it has held up. I also have their 2200 pack which was 2200cc when first designed. It is actually 2900 now and makes a great multiday pack or a bigger pack for day hunts if need. Unconditional life warranty on all of it and customer service is top notch. I have used it twice to replace broken buckles on packs. In both cases, I had replacement buckles in less than 48 hours. I will be sending in a pair of pants to have the zippers replaced before next season. These pants were a Christmas gift a few years ago, but, given in the wrong camo pattern. Badlands exchanged the pants without question, I didn't even pay shipping to send the pants back.
$20 Junk Walmart one has served my purposes well for 5+ bow/gun seasons. I don't carry camera gear so basically just need a pack for the essentials.
When I am scouting or just hiking most the time I have a cheap red head pack I use. At home here I use my Eberlystock in case I shoot a deer or elk. We use our packs for packing out animals. That is where you need a better built pack. When I hunt in Kansas I don’t even use a pack.