Shawn, Nate, and I just got back from our first spring turkey hunt of the year. We decided to go up to Nebraska and take advantage of the early archery season that opened on March 25th. I contancted an old high school baseball coach of mine who owns a farm in the Falls City area that he had told me i could hunt any time. He showed me the farm on google earth and we were headed north to Nebraska! Man, was that aerial map decieving…I couldn’t believe the terrain when we pulled in. We were only a little over two hours from home and it seemed like we were up in the mountains! I couldn’t believe some of these deep ravines and hills! Needless to say, this made the turkey hunting a little more difficult than expected. Nevertheless, we set up camp on top of the hill and got out there and scouted the day before the opener. There was only one problem…we couldn’t seem to find any birds on the property! That is until we drove the perimeter of the farm at dusk and spoted 5 or 6 different groups of birds roosted in the trees! The next two days of hunting were amazing! I couldn’t believe how split up the birds were this early in the season. We had three different CLOSE encounters with big toms but we just couldn’t seem to close the deal. We were either being picked out or the tom was getting run off by the jake squad, but it just didn’t quite come together. Needless to say, we had a great time and were just glad to be out there hunting this early! We did manage to get some great footage and we plan on heading back to the farm in a few weeks. I imagine the birds will be even more split up by then and the hunting should be amazing!
Great Pics Mike, looks like it was a good time. Look forward to seeing the pics from the next time out.
Those are some Great pics mike. That just gives me the itch to get out there and arrow some gobblers. But unfortunately we still have about three weeks till the Ohio opener.
Most of the birds in Neb are a highbred a mix of Merriam and Reo Grand’s. There are a few Merriam in north part of Neb and a few Eastern in the very south east corner of the state. I grow up in Neb and this state is a sleeper for Turkey hunting. It is a great place to hunt turkeys. Neb bow season is 67 days long, state wide and you can get 3 permits. The deer hunting is not too bad either. After looking at the Photo's I need to get my butt back home to hunt turkeys............
You guys always look like you are having fun...Maybe one day you will call me and say hey guy we don't know, why don;t you drvie on out and get on film.
Man im jelous, your getting to hunt and im having to wait till The third week in April Looks like a great time and the terrain is beautiful!! The pics Rock as well Did the bird attacking the Deak bust yall??
Ya mean even the experts get skunked once in a while??? :d Those turkeys can be some tuff critters to get it done on!!
Pictures are great as always, guys! Especially like the arrow shot, and the DV cam LCD shot. Love it!