I understand where you are coming from although there is nothing wrong with that buck. He is a shooter for most people's woods, includung mine. But I've been exactly where you are at and understand that your "regret" has nothing to do with "shame" or "disrespect" to the animal and all of that stuff that some interpet it as. If you are like me, it only has to do with "you" and what your objective(s) were for this particular hunt and how you perceive your actions in regard to those. Thanks for the candor and again congratulations.
Thanks again, guys. PERFECT summation, Jack... couldn't have said it better myself. Matt, I haven't put a tape to him yet... I'm on vacation all this week and I'll be hunting hard for the next five or six days... I'll get him scored sometime later on.
Greg, I just spent this past weekend hunting with a guy inflicted with multiple myeloma-he goes in for his second round of chemo on the fifth. He missed a much smaller buck than yours from eight feet away-he was tickled pink with just the opportunity to be there. I razzed him a bit....you know, "you would have killed him if you only had a eight foot pin on your bow!" Yours was a gift and that's the way you should think about it. You put yourself in a position to enjoy a good friend and his hospitality, embrace nature, and share the yarn. You were rewarded with a fine deer and table fare for your family. How could your past few days be better?