That is a nice buck Greg. Nothing to be ashamed of. Congrats! John has a top notch piece of property from the parts I have seen. Wish I could of met up with the two of you yesterday, but other issues kept me away.
Congrats. Still a nice buck. I know he may usually get a pass from you, but look at it this way. You made a clean, quick kill, and you will be rewarded with not only meat, but memories shared with friends like John.
Congrats Greg.. fine buck. I've always been guilty of shooting the big-bodied deer too.. I dunno why.. but I love the ones that push 250+ Congrats!
Thanks, guys... and I'm really glad this didn't turn into something else that it could have. I genuinely did have a knot in the pit of my stomach for the first 28 or so hours after I drilled him... and it's just now subsiding. Appreciate you guys. You're right, MGH... there's a lot to be said for finding mid-body and following the off leg up and shooting for it; the Muzzy MX-3 tipped Victory shattered his off shoulder and he piled up just 45 yards away -- if that.
Greg, I know how you feel. I shot my 8 on Halloween that would be passed on 9 out of 10 times. He scored 126 7/8 which is far under my 140 minimum but I still have two more buck tags to hopefully fill. November 14th I will be in my stand with my bow in hand while the orange army embarks on the Missouri woods.
Congratulations,nice buck and you had a fine time with a friend! That sounds like a successful trip to me! Way to go on the turkey John.
I too forgot the congrats to you both. Greg, I did the same thing last year on my 8pt. He score 124 and had 3 tines over 9" in my defense. But I just saw the side view, and with his length and body size, I thought he was bigger then he ended up. Sh!t happens - the experience matters most!
Don't be remorseful, that's still a great buck. Being able to take a buck with a good friend by your side should be enough. No sense in feeling bad about it. Congratulations! Have you put a tape on him yet?
Greg, Nice buck, I can understand your feelings based on the "potential". We don't always have the time to analyze every detail, sometimes it comes down to shoot, or don't, with only milliseconds to calculate the odds of an entire season. Great buck and good regrets!
Regardless it sounds like you had a great time and that buck is definetly nothing to be ashamed of. Congrats buddy!
ah we all can get caught up in the moment, I thought I was killing a 4.5 year old this year when when I shot my stubby 4x4... after the kill and even though he was well over 200lbs if I was a betting man now I would say he was 3.5.... it happens Greg, we cant always be perfect! I just hope you and John had a great time together.. nice buck, enjoy and have fun getting after your next one!