Hopping in the truck in a few hours to head south to Huntington County, PA for my bachelor party. Dan (Jaws) and one of Lisa's cousins Tim are heading down with me. When we get there, I'm sure a bunch of my best buds from highschool/college will be waiting. God only knows what kind of trouble those guys have planned for me, hopefully I come back in one piece and can function at work on Monday. Anyone have any good stories to tell? Wish me luck!! :d
Funny you mention this. I just got an email from my bro saying we are tentatively looking at July 18th or 25th for mine, and he said that's all I get to know. I just returned this weekend from my buddies down in Philly. That was a good time. Stories? You will have a ton once the weekend is over, I'm sure. When are you getting married?
Got kicked out of a strip club in Sauget IL on my bachelor party. Something about a shoving match with John Goodman. All of us got shown the door....good times. :D
Have fun at your bachelor party. The guys took me out to a few bars and then a club. I danced my butt off that night and had trouble walking for the next few days. :D I guess I was gettin' looooow. :D
They kinda go hand in hand don't they Finchy. Matt, have a blast, if your already having it, hope you had a blast!
You got that right buddy. Hopefully the strippers in PA are of a higher quality than the ones in NC. :D
I drove a limo part time for a while a while back and bachlor partys is one gig I would not do. Bachlorett partys is where it's at. The guys end up getting chashed down the street and the limo would end up damaged in the way of broken off antennas or bottles thrown and hitting the car. They just act like morons for the most part. The ladies are just awesome. They have scavenger hunts where each bar they go in they have to come out with something. More than once I was asked for my underwear. I would always say I don't wear any to which they would always say I don't beleive you which would lead to other things. The down part of the ladies is someone would always end up throwing up and not always making it out of the limo. But driving 8-10 drunk ladies around can and did have it' rewards. Not so for the guys. Enjoy the nite but don't let the group get obnoxious
Guess you think you're a big shot since the wife just lets you do as you please. ....and they weren't all that bad once you overlook the bruised and disease-ridden ones. :d
no good stories i'd related in text form... that way there is no incriminating evidence... if we meet face to face someday i'll happily tell ya... :D