That's right, I have got my bachelor party tonight. About fifteen friends and myself rented a Excursion limo and we're headed to Dallas. Can't tell ya where we are going, but I will try and sneak in a picture or two :d
Nice catch on the edit. Renting an "Excursion limp" probably isn't going to go over very well with the Bachelor party festivities! Cheers!
Have a good time w/ it Jim and some may disagree w/ me here but dont do anything that your future wife wouldnt want you too. A day later and you wont even remember.
I used to drive a stretch limo part time and hated doing the bachelor party's and instead chose to drive the bachelorett party's instead. Now the things that go on with them is just unmentionable. Trouble with the bachelor party is the guys have too much testosterone flowing and end up in fights. I had one in particular where the bar locals chased my group out into the parking lot and ended up breaking the TV batwing antenna off the trunk while chasing us down. On the other hand the bachelorett party's always ended up with a drunk gal throwing up in the back or all down the side while hanging out the window. But there's nothing better than being host to a bunch of drunken girls looking for whatever
Update Jim, we need an update. Or are you too busy scrubbing your boys with a wire brush and alcohol to post?
We got the cops called on us for peeing in a pasture beside the beer store, almost got in a fight because some random guy thought we spit in his beer, we made the local news paper, I got beaten by some lovely young women with my own belt and buckle (still got the brusies to prove it), oh......and I woke up with a pair of panties in my pocket :huh: (not to sure how they got there, I'm pretty sure they were handed to me as soon as I walked in the door) Overall it was awesome