Well have yet 1 more problem for you guys to help me with. This actually happened once the other day but I thought it was my fault due to my sanding on the nock getting a little deep in the throat. I was just out shooting, having a whale of a time. I shot about 20 times and then I was just going through my little routine and all of a sudden....... whack. My arrow hits the side of my arm and goes nowhere, I check it out and my nock was broken in half, sheared one of the ears off. Freak deal I though, checked my bow over good and went on about my business. Next thing you know it happens again. I quit right then and there. I am using some glue on nocks that the guy I bought my arrows from gave me. Any suggestions because I am thinking right now that I dont want to shoot another one of these arrows with these particular nocks on them. I got to looking at them all and they all have a small fracture right down the middle of them.
How much are you sanding off??? If you are sanding to much off for your nocks to break, your serving is to thick for the nocks your using. Either get different nocks and/or a smaller diameter serving material! I just sanded a small amount off the ears of the nock where it snaps on the string, a couple of passes on each side and I'm good.
If I only need a teeny bit of widening, I'll hit em with real fine sandpaper, but If I need to open the nocks up any more than that I'll do the hot water thing. Boil water, stick the nock in for 45 seconds or so, then with a little finger pressure open up the "ears". ONce it cools you are set.
Thats all I am sanding Joe, I get just where the ears are the very thickest, but these suckers are breaking right down the middle like down in the center of the throat of the shaft. Now I did have one that I accidently sanded way down towards the throat but have replaced it. I will get some pics up.
Now that I am really studying these nocks I am seeing that every one of these suckers has a crack right in the middle of the throat and it is heading off toward the direction that these two broke. Here are some pics maybe they will explain better than me.
Looks like your nocks are **** if there all cracked like that! Maybe you hit them with other arrows while shooting, one reason I rarely shoot only 2 or 3 arrows now a days and try not to shoot at the same spot!
I might think that I would have damaged them myself but every one of them (8) is like this, I am afriad to even shoot these suckers. Is there a better nock that I can order that will fit these arrows?
Also, I went over my limbs w/ a cotton ball and didnt find anything wrong. Could this have hurt by bow??
Not sure about the nocks for your arrows, I shoot carbons. I'm going to try the adapters for the Classic Index nocks, I really like these nocks. With the adapters I can use them with my carbons!
I found it on eastons website they require a 9/32 nock, now I guess I gotta do a little shopping around. OH well I guess the compound hasn't got much attention lately, guess it will give me a chance to shoot it for a little while.