20-25ft, depends on the sticks I buy and the tree i put them in. I think most of my stands are closer to the 20' mark.
Depends on cover, I've been 12 feet up a tree that was in the middle of a drainage ditch so I was nearly eye level to 6 feet above where the deer were traveling. Been 20 feet up and the deer on the other side of a creek were probably 30-35 feet below the stand. Stand height is all about cover/concealment and least about shot distance. Shooting lanes are all about shot distances, stand locations go within and stand height is determined by the backdrop.
20 feet with a bow. I use a group of the four piece connector sticks that get you to 20 feet and then an extra one (like a grip stick) after that to improve the ease of accent/decent. I have lower sets but they are gun stands only.
Depending on time of the season anywhere from 12 - 25ish feet.......Once the leaves start falling I'm usually in the 22 - 25ish range
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I prefer being at least 20 feet high. I feel that I am more concealed and out of the line of sight of just about everything but squirrels and I can get away with more movement. It is all about concealment though and I know I could get away with hunting lower on some places I hunt. When I hunt in Arkansas it’s different. The deer in that high pressure bow only WMA are hyper educated and they have learned to look up. I won’t hunt below 25’ there and I prefer 30’.
I am typically 15 to 20 feet. I find that above that, the shot angle gets steeper than I like. I intentionally pick trees that have good cover so that I rarely need to be above 20 feet.
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