Hi Guys, My name is Paul Engelberger. I am new to this forum and would like to say hello. I was born and raised in WI and been giving Whitetail hell since I was 12. I joined this forum not only because I love hunting but because I believe I became involved a few months back with a product that would be beneficial for those hunters that are addicted to nicotine. DuraSmoke (www.durasmoke.com) is an "American Made" E-Cig company right here out of Milwaukee, WI. We have the best tasting "ODORLESS" liquid nicotine vapor on the market. This is the PERFECT product if you do not want to be sniffed out by a Whitetail, Elk, Bear, Etc.. The E-Cig is rechargeable and has replacement liquid nicotine cartridges that are available. The cartridges come in 24ml (regular), 12ml (light), and 0ml (no nicotine) for those that would like to quit smoking. This product has zero tobacco in it and has no FDA regulations. This eliminates the harmful chemical intake caused by regular cigs. Our sister company American E-Liquid makes 70% of the liquid on the market including for our competition. But, we have the "coke formula" for the best flavored liquid nicotine and it will not be duplicated. Feel free to order a free sample from our website to try. We also have over 50 different flavors of liquid nicotine. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like info on being a distributor please email me at [email protected]. Thank you and happy hunting! Paul
LOL Yeah, we just get the harmful chemical intake from an " E-Cig". Instead of peddling a new drug to replace the old drug why not peddle a way to quit the drug altogether?
Go to the doctor and get the nicotine inhaler .It worked for me. Thank God I guilt those worst things on earth
Unfortunately I'm a smoker and I have a different E-cig I use while hunting. I feel it definitely helps to cut down my scent dispersal while hunting. Now I just have to switch to using it full time and ween myself off smoking all together.
"LOL Yeah, we just get the harmful chemical intake from an " E-Cig". Instead of peddling a new drug to replace the old drug why not peddle a way to quit the drug altogether?" Bruce, it appears you did not read or try to understand what I was saying or the benefits of e-cig technology. First of all, it is a liquid nicotine vapor not a tobacco product. It has the same effects on your body as someone addicted to caffeine. The other (2) ingredients are found in every day food. As for those addicted to nicotine. We have the 12ml and 0ml for those trying to ween down and quit. The point is you are not inhaling the 5000+ chemicals that are found in a pack of cigs and it is an ODORLESS vapor. There are absolutely no laws imposed by the FDA because it is not harmful to your body.
Paulie Walnuts, So its not proven to be odorless to whitetails??? I would think with the chemicals in it, it would have to have a smell. Especially to whitetails. I guess its probably less smelly then normal cigarettes. Stop smokin. Be a real man. Chew tobacco! lol
As I mentioned, it is completely ODORLESS. ODORLESS means ODORLESS. Your chew has scent, this product does not. It also is not smoke, it is a vapor that vanishes in the air as you blow it out. You can blow it into your shirt or jacket and it would not be noticed. And, I do not smoke or chew. Both are quite disgusting, trashy, and frowned upon by good looking woman. Maybe you should switch from chew to an e-cig before your face falls off.