I've updated the scorecard this AM. There are a number of entries that have not been entered because they are missing information. Please help me by making sure that your teammates are entering their kills correctly. What's needed: Two photos that have the deer, hunter and bow in them Date & Time of kill Team number Breakdown in scoring for all bucks over 50" Hunters should update their original post, not make a new one. All updated entries will be added next week when the scorecard is updated again. Also, Please make sure that I have your team's name and captain indicated in the Teams List thread. If not, please let me know what/who they are. Thanks! Fitz
Every year there are a couple of people who enter a deer in the contest without meeting the picture requirements. Then they get mad because they dont get the points. If all of the captain's can mention that in the team thread once in a while it might help.
Apparently for some folks, reading the rules is too much of a challenge or hassle. If ya can't read and follow the rules, then your deer doesn't get counted. No need to be a little whiny child like someone already did on the scorecard thread.
I threw up a reminder in our team thread. Would be too easy if everyone followed the rules lol. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I have been stressing and explaining the rules to my team since they were formed and have reminded everyone on several occasions of them so that we won't have any problems. And I think that if you can't follow the rule on your first deer (as we have now seen) that you should not be able to enter your second deer for those points. I know he already said that he would get the pictures of the next one but he wasn't happy about it and the rules clearly state that it is your first buck and your first doe!
I would probably kick Christine out of the contest just to set an example for the rest of the participants. Team 8 has been informed of the rules and should have no trouble complying with them.
We didn't have captains for the states contest. The team event will take place again next year like it has for many years now!