guys/gals we need 20 bonefinders signed up in the "shed forum" to run a fun little contest.. come one! come all! get signed up... should be fun!
This will be the first year I have ever shed hunted. I am looking to learn about how to go about maximizing my efforts. I will be frequenting the shed hunting forum often.
Don't make me get a hold of Tuco and have him punch you for me. I will !! Course you would probably just beat him up and take his wife out dancing. You fat fingered Bully !!!!!! LOL Tim
I would love to take part and learn more about shed hunting, but I don't think I would get to go home much to actually do it.
Haha...right. I almost KNOW I would contribute to absolutely nothing. I would actually like to find at least one this year, but I doubt it.
FYI.. this contest is just for fun.. we all know that just 1 shed could mean the difference to take the whole thing. For those who only find 1 shed.. it could be YOURS.:D
She is wonderful.. we love her to death.. and she is great at finding the sheds.. but not so great at bringing them to me.. LOL! We're still working on it. But this will be her first year really doing it.. so we'll see.. but I'm excited to see how she does. She absolutely LOVES the outdoors.. and mice.. damn dog is constantly pouncing mice under the snow. Cracks me up. Thanks for asking Tim.
We had a yellow lab given to us. She was great for finding sheds around the yard. Once we got her out in the country she goes in pheasant hunting mode. The guy that had her... had hunted pheasants and waterfoul with her. She really loves hunting pheasants. Points and everything. Too bad since we don't pheasant hunt. So we look for sheds and she looks for pheasants. Everyone is happy !! It is fun watching fox and coyotes pouncing for mice. They are damn good at it. I've only seen one dog do it and she would spend most of the day at it. Never have seen her succeed but had to give her an A for effort for trying. Good luck with the pup !! Looking forward to some pictures of your shedhunting season with her. Tim