Germ, I think your a magnet to this kind of kalamity :D WOW!! Is all I can say!! I had no dought you handled that situation Glad you got it back, that could have thrown a curve ball in your season!! Was it the Guns, or the rage in your eye that put the fear in them? :D
Set out some traps that will get their feet! Just dont step in them yourself! I know that is not right but I know how you feel with the numorous thefts!
LMAO! Yeah Gary, show up in your whitie tighties and you shouldn't have anymore problems from the tent people.
Too bad you didn't take the time to camo the boat like real hunters do . They would have never seen it.
What do the tent dwelling hippies do during the winter? It's colder than a well diggers ass here in the winter, I can only imagine life in a tent in January!! Halloween is coming. Might be time for some Blair Witch type action.
Germ, I went to a river party in West Virginia a month ago, so I can see where you are coming from with this story. There were "river" people all over the place. Strange yet interesting people indeed. Fishing poles, weed, tents, whiskey, song, dance, fires......I was in an alternate universe. Too keep myself pure and innocent, I focused on my Qoors light and said a prayer before I stumbled to my sleeping bag/mud pit for the night.
That is pretty creepy and honestly something I have never even heard of it's seriously like a village of people living along the river banks out of tents? Did they have candles?! (In Napoleon Dynamite's voice)
This is what they had Two dogs, appeared to be shepards 4 tents, two campers 2 cheap cherokies 2 moutain bikes 1 canoe 2 cooking tables setup 2 Generators This was not a camping setup, it was a living setup. That is what i saw, I notice things, LOL