use to go when I ran both archery/gun shops , always enjoyed seeing the new merch., programing some orders ... while there may be some cool new items, there nothing special I need for the coming season ... I'm set for several years. .... the Shot Show was always fun too, same for the SCI show... glad I'm done with all that ..
Lone Wolf isn’t at the ATA but released their new climber. Looks sweet. Except the seat. I’m assuming it’s a mesh seat? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not going to lie - this year's show was a little lackluster. I would say 30% of the manufacturers didn't have anything new at all, and those that did had a lot of in-line changes and minor improvements to existing products. There wasn't much that really caught my eye and made me want to upgrade from what I have right now to something new. If anything, I would say the most significant innovations were in saddle and mobile hunting equipment. There were a lot of new saddles, platforms, climbing sticks, lightweight treestands, and other misc accessories geared toward the mobile hunter. We will be curating our lists of new products this week and will start to have some videos posted shortly.
There were only a couple of things that caught my eye, from the videos I saw. One was the the carbon fiber climbing sticks from Lattitude. And I also thought XOP had some fairly decent new offerings. Other than that... .....meh! Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Ok I like the pro-MAG plus phone mount. I think I want one. Can’t believe PJ tried to take the credit on this find!
Yeah, I agree, not much going on. A few things caught my eye though. The new Tethrd saddle is nice, but I probably won't upgrade from the Phantom just yet. The new Dudley/PSE Ignite was really nice. I may want to shoot that again. The THP bow was cool. And there was a product there from a super nice guy called the Boot Bandolier, this bag has so many uses - I am definitely going to pick it up. Next year is St Louis, and I hope that they can pull more manufactures back..
The people I've talked to who weren't there (think big bow companies) have zero intention of ever going back. It's a 300-500K expense for them, and they simply don't see the ROI. I don't mind some of the bow companies not being there as their products are released months ahead of time and everyone already knows about them. You don't see many ATA show bow launches these days, and I don't anticipate that will change. For all of the other small businesses who are really innovating, I would love to see them at the show. Including a lot of the direct-to-consumer businesses that aren't allowed in or don't bother to come. It's a great opportunity to showcase their products to the industry and get invaluable media coverage for their products. People like Sitka, Kuiu, Out on a Limb, First Lite (and other Meat Eater brands) Ozonics, etc. It would be nice to see their products in person and allow them to get recognition. Also, I hate STL and am not looking forward to going there next year. There, I said it.
Totally understand that, we had the Mathews bow at the shop before the show and everyone else does too, so the coverage of the show isn't really special for them. I agree, I would love to see the others there like you mentioned. STL is only one year, right? Then they have a longer commitment back in Indy? Also, did you go to that happy hour thing Wednesday night?? Free (****ty beer) and they wanted $4 for a can of soda? LOL - we shouldn't even mention the musical entertainment .. we ate the food and then when back to the hotel bar.