Go against what you "thought" was "your" way to hunt bucks, and try something totally new that you didn't like at first (and possibly was against), because its a successful and legal tactic? I think its time for me to throw a change up
Caleb, great question. I have slowly integrated an approach to hunting bucks that I never thought I could do, even 5-6 years ago. I remember a quote by Buckeye that I read once..."insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results". If you have been bogged down by a certain hunting method and it has not produced results, analyze your situation to determine the issues. I have changed up my game a lot in the last 5 years or so and my ability to get close to and/or kill bigger bucks (for me) has improved a bunch. Playing the wind in a systematic manner, setting up in certain terrain features, not hunting certain areas until the right time, entrance/exit strategies, scouting.....all those things have changed for me. I listen to many guys on here and then take stock in certain portions of their logic and try to apply those things to each hunt. Slowly but surely the odds have begun tipping in my favor. I am not there yet, but I believe I am 1-2 years out from really having an understanding of bigger bucks, possibly 3-4 years. But it is fun, so bring on the work! Small things like which way to enter your stand, the wind and how a buck will move, when that buck will be in a specific area based on the time of the day/season, etc........GOOD luck, I have a good feeling you are going to respond with one heck of a big buck season next year. You have the work ethic!
Caleb...... Believe me when I tell you, it takes a LONG time to find who you are in life let alone a hunter. Do your thing, what ever it is that makes you happy and roll with it. Many of us are still finding out what it is that makes us tick.... I find changes in how I hunt and prepare every season. I hope that never changes. Good luck.
I've had it happen when deer decide for me. Usually see them do something I was told they wouldn't. Or wouldn't do something that I was told they would. Time afield will dictate these things for you. Take peoples advice with a grain of salt.
I'm always open to trying new things. I think the deer get used to being hunted a certain way and adapt. what's the worse thing that could happen if you try something new? I have found that it's easy to fall into the trap that deer always do what the books, mag., internet, tell you they do. The old saying says "do things the same way and you'll get the same results". Mix things up - it's fun and you will learn and maybe even score!
I can only agree with the above. Another one of my favor quotes "If you hunt like everyone else, you're going to kill deer like everyone else" I turn 38 this year, I look at hunting 180 degrees different than I did at 18.
Just like today, I went out and probably walked a good 2-3 miles in the snow. After covering that much ground I probably found just 1 spot that I would hang my hat on in terms of it being a legitimate spot for a big buck. Years ago I would have seen 10-15 "good spots" during my scouting. I would have never walked that much years ago in the off-season, nor would I have been able to put the sign together to even formulate a plan for next year. I just got back and have begun to transfer my scouting onto a topo map. I owe so much to the guys on here in terms of my development that I cannot even begin to say thanks enough. I hunt 45,000 acres of public land and had to change up my game or continue to struggle each year. I chose to change it up.
As long as it's legal....I say "go for it". Just be true to yourself....AND EVERYONE ELSE. I have NO ISSUES with people baiting ANY animal. But I have to admit, "I" view kills sans bait in a different light than I do kills where hunters DO utilize the practice. There's nothing self-righteous in that statement. I've baited deer in the past, and I'd feel the SAME WAY if it was a kill of my own. Simply personal opinion. So.......you asked this......... Using baiting as AN example.....it would be when I'd exhausted every other possibility (IMO). You could insert "hunting a high fence"; "hunting with an outfitter"; etc..., etc..., etc... in there...and the answer wouldn't change. But I'd come right here and tell you the "rest of the story".
I'm finding that the most difficult part is simply realizing that what I'm doing isn't working. But I am "thrown a bone" just often enough to make me THINK it is. Once the realization is made, then the change can be made. And making that change ain't easy, either.
If you're referring to baiting deer(not sure if you are), I'll never do it (not legal anyway). i wouldnt be happy with a baited deer. Not fun to me. I'd rather scout my butt off and kill fawns rather than a baited buck.
Scott, that is very true my friend, and with me it still holds true. If I don't learn something new every season I would wonder how hard I really tried. I have killed Bucks by calling them in, hunting scrape lines, rub lines, decoying, rattling, and by just sitting a trail in a good funnel. If I have learned anything Hunting Whitetails in the 40 years I've been chasing them, it's to keep an Open mind and remain Flexible. On any given day you never know what might work. I consider myself an aggressive type hunter and if something is Not happening I'll be trying to make it happen one way or the other. :-) Dan
Dam Buckeye, thats some great words right there Im getting old and still changing things. I kinds like it that way!!
To explain a little more, The way ive been hunting has worked great. Ive nailed 3 does with my bow on my last 3 shots, and ive had some awesome buck encounters. The problem is the time of year. Right now, my properties are dead. No food sources whatsoever. I can go weeks without a deer sighting. Baiting is perfectly legal in Ohio, and even though ive always been against it, its been proven to draw in bucks during the late season. My buddy killed a 137" on january 31st last year. My thread was made to see what you guys would do in my situation. Ive already figured out what i need to do to get on a buck in this last month. Just some food for thought and conversation.
Caleb, the HOT ticket for me last year was hunting WAY back off a food source in the evening. (food source was a picked bean field) In the past I had hunted IMO to close to them and just was not seeing anything. I was into bucks last season all the way to the end in Jan. But as most of the time goes, I was getting close but not getting it done I was also very close to bedding areas. Go deep my friend!!
caleb we havnt talked much but im young like you and I dont think either of us have really come close to understanding big bucks and what it takes to get them. I mean we both bust are butts scouting and trying to learn as much as we can every year to improve ourselves and i hope that i never stop wanting to learn more. So I give you props on figuring out that u cant keep trying the same thing hopin for new results like stated before and that Sometimes u have to try new things like for example this year i started hunting out of ground blinds because i really wanted to hunt this one field and only could do it from a south wind but there was no good trees at all so i had to use a blind. So if i would of not used a blind i probably wouldnt have gotten a shot at this183" deer that a guy i know ended up shooting. i got the shot and missed but the thing is i had the oppurtunity because i changed my normal game and i realized ground blinds work u have to learn how to use them and stuff but i learned somethin new. So I hope the best for u for the rest of ur season and congrats on becoming a better hunter... also since pa doesnt allow baiting and u can do it id say go ahead and do it especially since u said theres like no food sources technically your helping the deer
Baiting bucks in the late season will work. I have a friend who has done it. You may have to hunt between the bait and their beds because if it is real easy for them to reach, they may turn nocturnal on you.