My wife and I's plan with Verizon has been up since May (well the two year contract is over), and this will be our 5th year with them. I like the service, but I don't like all of the extra crap they try to nickel and dime you on. We're considering going AT&T, because we can get two iPhones with 1400 minutes, unlimited mobile web, etc, for the same price as a regular 1400 minute plan through verizon (they charge $30 for each phone's data package). However, most of our friends are on Verizon, so text messaging, calling, etc is all covered. Anyways. Anyone make the switch from either? Happy? Matt (RJ), I know you have AT&T, and you travel in northern PA. How's the reception?
I know AT&T has just started their own version of "my circle" with plans that have 1400+ minutes. So that would help with your out of service provider calls.
I love mine. AT&T actually gets better reception at my camp than Verizon. Rob has Verizon and was having a tough time getting reception........he hit pockets of reception, but I was surfing the web/texting/facebooking all weekend. I have no idea on the reception in other areas down there, but from Canton all the way up to the NY border I have a decent signal.
I too am sick of verizon the service is great, but the support people suck, billing sucks and their programs suck, I need a new company.
Yeah, their support leaves a lot to be desired. RJ, do both you and your wife have a plan together or is just you? I get a 21% discount with both Verizon and AT&T, too, so there's no incentive either way from a price perspective.
We both have AT&T plans, but they are seperate plans. Simply because we just haven't consolidated yet. We plan to in the near future though.
Just got an iPhone with ATT. No complaints here. By far the best reception throughout the areas I need it most such as rural areas where I hunt alone a lot.
I had Verizon for the past four years and decided in January that I was going to switch to Alltel. I did so and then they got bought out by Verizon. When Verizon took over my billing, my bill changed. I called them and told them that any fluctuation of my charges on their part (if I stayed within my minutes and such) would be considered a breach of contract and that I would drop their service and they could eat me on the early termination fee. Obviously they understood. My bill has been the exact same for 3 months now.
I've been with AT&T since it was Cingular Wireless. I have always been happy with my service. I have the iphone as well and it is a great phone.
I would drop my AT&T in a second if I could. The service in my area(Chicago suburbs) totally sucks. I have to walk outside the house to get a signal most of the times. I was with Verizon for 5 years prior and would give anything if I could go back to them. Never had issues with them.
Our company had a couple hundred cell phones over a 3 state area, we were so happy to get switched back to verizon. You just can't beat the coverage with verizon. We had several carriers, the worst was sprint.
I have Verizon for my personal phone and AT&T for my work phone from my employer. Unless I'm close to Chicago or Indianapolis I usually have to use my personal phone to make calls. I also have an AT&T air card for my laptop while I travel. The thing is about worthless. I've had nothing but good things to say about Verizons cutomer service. I've went over my planned minutes twice and they took the over charges off when I called. Never have I ever had a problem with them. I've not had to deal with AT&T yet....hard to have problems when you can hardly use their service.
I had the AT&T air card also but was able to return it and get out of the contract cause it was such a piece of crap.
So I'm an idiot. Apparently you also have to pay the $30 data plan for each phone even on the family plan (just like Verizon). Now the incentive is not as great. We'll see. What I do need is to up my txt messaging no matter what. I think Ben is going to kill my bill this month, lol.
From my understanding there could be an Apple product launching on VZW by years end, still speculation and that is all I can say