I would rather hunt whitetails in multiple states with a number of different kinds of terrain.If that wasn't the choice than it would be an Alaskan hunt,preferably a species that doesn't bite back,Moose,Sheep etc.Followed closely by an Idaho or Montana high country elk hunt.
X2 I have been on a archery Elk hunt and hopefully I can go more in the future, but I believe Alaska is probably just a dream
Why? I think Will spent less than $1000 on his entire bear hunt not including his airfare. I've done successful DIY moose floats for 3 guys at $1500 bucks a piece including NR tags. Get some air miles under your belt for a free ticket, start saving and make it happen! The other option is to do like I did and just move here. Quit dreaming, wake up and do it!!!
Elk, black bear,antelope, mulies, moose, mountain lion, caribou . . . I see these as attainable, for me. I have no doubt that they WILL happen. Big horn sheep and grizzly; that's my dream
I'd like to go back to Africa with my Longbow in hand this time and stick another Kudu or Hartebeast.
Anything high country as I'm drawn to mountains. CO Elk is the first I hope to make happen as I just love CO (and it's the closest Elk I can drive to). After that, sheep & goats up high are more on the dream end of things...guess I should start applying for points someday...
Rob, I took the time to add up my bear hunt expenses. With grub included ( I had to eat anyway) the total came to $1080 from door back to door. Following the hunt, I painted a lady's house (she bought the paint and I applied it) for exactly $1000-her closest bid was $5000 plus paint. She won and I got my hunt paid for. It took 28 hours of my time to gain a lifetime of memories.
Anything that I truly want to hunt, I am going to more than likely find a way to do so, so that kind of takes out the "dream" part. However, I think hunting Cape Buffalo is one of the more exotic hunts that I would eventually like to do.