Gotta love Hollywood types who actually believe they know anything about what goes on in the world... while living in their over-sized Malibu mansions. Ahhh.. reality. Tonight Judd appeared on Larry King Live talking about her hatred for Alaskan Gov. Palin who supports Alaskan game officials and their taking of game species predators (wolves.. bears..ETC) by way of helicopter. Because let's face it.. Judd knows ALOT more on the subject than Alaskan game officials.. Alaskan wildlife biologists.. and the economics of Alaska as a whole. While beautiful Judd you may be (although I wish you would eat more) please stick to what you know.. and that's poor acting in B movies where you have some sort of romantic lead.. only because of your looks. Actors and actresses should learn that they are paid to sing.. to dance.. and to smile falsely.. I don't wish to hear their politics or their philosophies of what they think they know. I'm sorry.. but I had to rant on this.:d
My wife was watching the View and all of a sudden I heard WG talking about it and actully defended Palin which was nice to hear.
I agree whole heartily Mike. Problem is, they get the spotlight and she probably touched so many people with false knowledge. Actors, pfft. Think about it, (as a comedian said on Bob and Tom) They are told what to say, when to say it, where to stand and what to wear. Are they actors or morons? How hard can it be, after all, children do it. Think about the next time you have engine trouble, would you want a 5 year old working on your vehicle yet they work side by side with adults in the acting world. I ask again, actors or morons? LOL, I thought that was funny but accurate.
Let Ashley come spend some time in the mountains, watch a pack of wolves kill for the thrill and move on, right after they eat the newborn fetus out of dieing cow elk and walk away leaving the rest of the elk for scavengers and yotes. Its a pretty site let me tell you. Shes just another big name celeb throwing her stardom around. Like you said Mike, amazing how she knows more than the local biologists.