Quite a bit of difference and very easy to tell apart. If it has red on the head, its dead. We get flocks of 1k plus in western Oklahoma versus the occasional Blue Herron sighting.
I have, yes. Thank you for the response! I plan to get hip waders. But the local hunting regulations never went further into detail about what might happen when I go into the swamp/marsh. What happens if I get stuck in the mud? How do I get myself out of there?
So then, we can agree that McMurray is a piece of chit..? Except that Bonnie McMurray, she can can get it.
Bob I appreciate that you and I are of the same mind about the Blue Herron. They are actually called the Great Blue Heron but I refuse to believe that they are all great.
Well, their is the Great Blue Herron and the Little Blue Herron. I could watch a Great Blue work a shoreline all day, pretty neat bird. But put me on some Sandhills and I'll have the grill lit before ya know whats going on.
THIS IS NOT A DIG, that said, I'm having a hard time discerning whether your joking or not on a few things. Never got stuck in muck? Well it can suck you down like a spermwhale on a squid. So being alone would not be advisable.
I'm not joking in the slightest when I say I have no idea what I'm doing. It's the honest to God truth. I've never been hunting before, I haven't even really been out in the bush for what it's worth. When you say 'muck' I've gotten stuck in garden soil after it's rained and I would assume it's much the same as the marsh that I intend to retrieve the downed waterfowl from. So how does one successfully retrieve the bird from the bog after it's been shot without getting stuck?
LOL... NO depending on area... Not even close to wet garden soil...unless you've gone up to your waist in your wet garden soil in a misstep...Do yourself a favor and.... Google this: Sinking in a marsh walk videos
PS...disclaimer here, some of those videos are...well made by strange and sexual people....lol though there are a few that are " ligit"
Okay, so if there's a high probability of getting stuck by walking through the muck, I probably shouldn't walk through it. So how do I successfully retrieve one of these downed birds without walking through the mud? My local game bird hunting regulations states that it is unlawful to fail to make every effort possible to immediately retrieve a migratory game bird that a person has killed or wounded. A hunter must have adequate means to retrieve any migratory bird that he or she may kill, cripple or injure. So how do I get through the marsh? I know you said go with a friend, but how does having someone there to pull me from the mud if I get stuck help me to retrieve a downed bird that is still several yards away? Are there techniques/procedures that I can employ to not get stuck?