I'm getting paid soon, and finally going to have some money to buy arrows. But I don't know what I need to be looking for as fas as length, and weight. My rest is for carbon arrows, but beyond that, I don't know. my bow is about 50-55#, and 28". Any advice you can give me as far as size, brand, whatever is great, though I'm trying to get started on the cheap, since these will only be target arrows. Thanks! Mike
i recommend putting the extra money out for eastons full metal jacket as they are very strong arrows so when you do decide to hunt with the just screw on your broadhead and go instead of buying some cheap target arrows and then buying some cheap hunting arrows just buy some good arrows one time then your done
I agree with bleeding buck, You should buy arrows that you plan to stick with. Your hunting arrow should always be the same arrows as what you target pratice with or vice versa. Once you sight your bow then you move to tuning its just not worth the effort come hunting time to switch arrows since you just threw that all out the window. I shoot carbon tech arrows and will only switch if i'm hunting dangerous big game. Carbon tech arrows are on the upper end of price point but imo are worth it. If you are shooting Trad and planning on hunting I would seriously look at alaska bowhunting supply also on the upper end of price point but so wicked As far lenght I like 1 inch of clearence from the riser so I would shoot a 29 inch arrow.
Have to agree with the others. I would just figure out what your budget is and how many arrows you are looking to get. Then do your homework and find the best arrow you can afford. As for size once you find a few you like check the manufacturer website and they will give you the recommended arrow for your draw weight and bow type.
I buy Easton Epic arrows that are pretty darn cheap $75/dozen -- I can hit the X at 20 yards like many others who use arrows as thick as broomsticks for leagues..!!!! They are a durable arrow for sure ,,,Ive shot them thru Washing machines for fun & use the for grouse hunting - I often miss & hit the dirt or logs ..... I used to shoot Maximas but for $140/dozen & the one ten thousanths of an inch of straightness really does NOTHING for you unless you are a Robot & can hold a perfect form - EVERY SINGLE SHOT..... Hell ,,, Even a robot cant do that... I would not spend alot of money on arrows - Your most likely going to mess them up anyways -- Target practice claims alot of innocent arrow lives...........