Looking for help with some arrows. I love shooting my recurve and even though I haven't taken a deer with it yet it has accompanied me in the field many times. The only thing I am concerned with is arrow/broadhead flight. My bow is a Martin Hunter 45# @ 28" but my draw length is between 29" & 30" so I imagine I'm close to mid 50's for draw weight. I have never purchased new arrows for it, I initially used old aluminums from my compound(2117's, 2114's) that I would have refletched and more recently I have tried some refletched Goldtips 5575's. Long story short I can't get great arrow flight and am wanting to start over so to speak and get some good arrows that I can start practicing with. I think more practice will help as well as my release coould be causing some of the problems. If anyone has any thoughts on arrow combinations that might work well I'm all ears. Any tips on fletching types and fieldpoint/broadhead weight might help too. I plan on ordering a dozen arrows but I will probably get 6 of one kind and 6 of another (or 3 groups of 4) and go with whatever performs best. Thanks in advance for any help.
If your bow is 45# at 28" and your draw is 29", you only gain about 3# per inch of draw weight! Your not in the mid 50's for DW. The general rule is 3# per inch of draw over/under what its marked at....example... 45# @ 28" and your DL is 29" you would be 48# @ 29". Before you start buying arrows find out what your DL actually is, usually its shorter than your compound! Then you can find out what you DW is and go from there. This could save you from beating your head off the wall trying to tune your bow!
BHF It's been a while since I took my recurve to the shop but for some reason I feel like the last time I measured it came to right about 52 lbs with my draw length being just under 30". My closest shop closed so I am planning on taking a trip to the next closest one this Saturday. I will take your advice and find out exactly where I'm at. Jeff I'll find out exactly what I'm working with this weekend and maybe give those arrows a whirl. I guess I need to google bare shaft tuning a recurve because I am far from a tuning wizard.
Yep, get that taken care of and you'll be In the right direction knowing for sure what your draw weight/length Is.
Try some 2016's.. Most of the arrows you mentioned sound too stiff.. I'm shooting 52#@29" and have good luck with 45-50 or 50-55# spine wood. I've had bad luck with carbons, everything I've tried are too stiff. Right now I'm shooting 35-55# Gold Tip Traditionals full length, they shoot well unless it's windy and then they turn to crap. Bare shaft says they're waaaaay too stiff.. about to write them off as a bad idea. Anyone close by that you could maybe borrow some arrows to test with before you buy.. stuff's way too expensive to buy and not work. woodsman