5 grains per pound of draw weight is what the manufaturers warranty most bows for. Some are less GPP, high country bows come to mind. Make sure the arrow is spined correctly whatever weight you use.
Carbon Express Maxima 3D Select, spined 350 cut to 28" with a 100 grain point will come in right at 350 grains...... 5 gpp.
You can get even lighter with Victory VForce .350 or .400 spine shafts (depending the draw weight you are shooting). I am not sure you will find a premium graded hunting shaft any lighter than these.
For what???? And why??? A lighter arrow will not make you a better archer or better shooter, and may in the end may cause damage to your bow. AT A MINIMUM, you want an arrow that weighs 5gr/# you are shooting, optimally, something heavier is likely better for your bow, but opinions may vary on that.
what would you use. i have a hoyt striker with the redline cam. and its draw w is 62 pounds, and yes its for hunting what type of carbon arrow would you use?
Don't shy away from Gold Tip's Ultralight 22 series. You can shoot less wt and still be at 5 gpp. Victory also has a similar arrow, but maybe too light even at 60lbs. Check all your options out.
i would go with radial x weaves 200...they are pretty light and really strong...i think they are the best arrow for the money!
I was just checking out Easton's website. Check out their "Flatline Series", they are the lightest carbons by Easton. The 400's only weigh 7.4 grains per inch, and they come with lightweight components as well. A 28 inch arrow with a 75 grain head would weigh 310.7 (28 in X 7.4 = 207.2 + 75 grain head + 28.5 grains for components (nock, insert, broadhead adapter ring, and 3-4in feathers)). This is based on a 28 inch arrow, and I wasn't sure how long your arrows were. This would technically meet your 5 grain per pound minimum of 310 @ 28 in.. That would be crazy fast off your bow, but it could also cause damage. Maybe put on a 100 grain head to be on the safe side. Remember, vanes are almost double the weight of feathers. In my opinion, Easton is the premier arrow company. You would be more than happy with these arrows. Good Luck!!!
To follow up on my earlier post. The Victory that I spoke of is called the X-Ringer HV with your spine, the wt would be 6.2 grains per inch. This arrow is very similar to the Gold Tip Ultralight Series 22s. which weigh 7.3 gpi. If you don't like the slightly larger diameter, GT makes an "Ultralight" that you could use the 400 spine at 7.4 gpi.