I'm new to bow hunting I just bought a parker phoenix 32 I'm shooting like 62 lbs and my draw length is 29". When I'm shooting some of my arrows fly straight and some seem to knuckle ball. I was wondering why this is happening and what I can do to fix it? Would appreciate any and all input. Thanks
Sounds like bad fletching contact off your rest or riser, assuming your arrows are straight. I think you need to paper tune your bow. You're a newbie so Google/YouTube paper tuning a compound bow and start there. If it's too confusing for you take your bow to your local archery shop and let them take a look at it. Good luck
Agree with StringPuller and would like to add, check your arrows to ensure they are straight. Use a sharpie to number each arrow on one of the vanes. Note the number of the bad fliers and spin test and visually inspect suspected arrows to ensure they aren't bent. Two of my carbon arrows are bent; and they are corkscrewing in flight. Before I caught the problem, I didn't think it was possible for carbon arrows to warp, but it can and does happen. The point is, check your arrows before moving your set up.
paper tune. Check arrow for proper spine fit. Fletch hitting rest? Spin arrows for trueness. Check cam timing marks on the wheels.
Switched from a whisker biscuit to the NAP apache drop away rest. Had it put on and paper tuned at bass pro and now more swirling arrows! My groups are way tighter and my bow is much quieter. I'm pretty happy with it! Thanks for the in put. 20yrds