I am getting new arrows for my birthday at the end of this week. I am looking for something with a 340 or 350 spine. I want a final arrow weight around 450 grains, I currently shoot Slick Trick Magnums as a broad head but am considering trying a mechanical. The past six years I have been shooting Carbon Express Rebel Hunters but I am looking for an upgrade. I need something that will work on deer and elk. I am not brand loyal, just looking to get the best arrow for my money, budget $150. I prefer to get a full dozen arrows instead of just six. They will be shot from the set up in my signature.
Check out Easton axis in 340. I don't have inserts and my arrows weigh about 440 with 100 grain qad exodus. Also I made a dozen myself for about 110.00
I have the Axis 340 arrows as well with the 50 grain brass insert. With 100 grain head its about the weight you want at 27". They hit hard and have a good FOC. Do do have a dozen Axis 340's I will ship you that are cut at 27 3/4" They have regular inserts and pink fletching. A friend gave them to me awhile ago. I was going to pull the old inserts and put in brass ones but don't want to risk damaging them.
Check out Element. Their full-depth carbon weave makes them the strongest arrows on the market and they stabilize in flight faster than any other arrow as well.
These have standards hit inserts. I was going to swap out with brass but didn't want to run the risk of ruining them. I will send them to you free just so they go to use. Just sitting on my desk at the moment. PM me your address and I'll ship them out this week. Consider it a birthday present
Couple years ago switched from game getters to kinetic, and never looked back. They are great and skinny and super tough. I am consistently replacing fletch from hitting when shooting groups, but arrow shaft always ok still ! Thick walls, high hip and I won't be switching anytime soon !
How long do you need them? Have a dozen basically brand new black eagle spartans for sale for $80. they are 350 spine. 27.5 inches. Great arrows I love them, the 350 spine just wasnt the right size for me
If this is in reference to my black eagles then 10 are fletched and 2 aren't but ill do whatever fletches you want for no extra