Hey I am just wondering something. I put on a QAD LD rest on my bow replacing a standard TM hunter Prong Style rest. The new rest sits back a good 1/2"-1" at full locked position compared to where my prong style rest was! I shoot a 30" arrow with the prong style, shoot I shorten my arrows up any, is there nay need to? I am ordering new arrows, thats why I ask!! I have a 29" draw
I'd say you're fine. That 1 inch won't make a huge difference. Plus you might want the arrow (where a broadhead sits when drawn) to stay the same. Now I'm getting new arrows but am having to change the length because my draw has gone up an inch and the broadhead sits in too close.
Changing the length of the arrow shaft will change the dynamic spine and that may cause your arrow flight to be affected. Nothing wrong with shortening an arrow it just needs to be done while considering the overall tune of the bow and arrow.