I go back and forth on this show. One day I like it, the next I can't turn it off quick enough. IMO the music is a bit too much. And this is coming from a guy who listens primarily to heavy stuff. That needs to be toned down a little bit for sure. If it's turning me off, you can bet it's turning off the majority of the crowd that's watching it. Other than that, it's okay. I enjoy his enthusiasm, and entertainment value.
I agree with the other guys. I like watching the show but think the music is a bit much (and it's not because I don't like that kind of music). No doubt that the host can flat out shoot.
he has a lot of fans... i think he is just looking for a different "spin" on hunting shows. i dont mind it.
I think that the music is one of the things that sets the show apart. Chris can flat out shoot, and he does things that no other bowhunting show does. I love it...
I personly like the show. i mean come on, he can hit a phesant out of the sky. i have respect for the show and chris
8 of us on Team Covert are going up to shoot the flying carp with Chris Brackett and his crew on the second weekend in July! I am PUMPED. As for the show, entirely too much small game I thought. I enjoy the format, but don't want to spend 30 minutes of my day watching a guy kill jackrabbits.
I like the show because it is just different!! Don't really care for the music but it's ok. The dude can just shoot...pretty much anything, anywhere. That roller coaster 360 through the tubing was a neat idea. I watch it whenever I can... I turn the volume down just a touch though :d Shoot'n at the butterflies was pretty good too. I think he'll try just about anything with a bow. ENTERTAINING!!!
overall good show, I would like to see more whitetail hunts, sheep, bear, goats, hogs..not much on the frogs/rabbits/butterflies..
Was it really though? What's the purpose of trying to shoot a butterfly out of the air? Just to say you killed it? Back in my younger days I shot a few things just for the sake of shooting them, and when I look back on those times I really just have to ask myself "Why?".
It's differernt...thats for sure. I only have watched it once and I got a little bored watching him shoot frogs for 30 minutes.
After the episode where he promoted taking a shot at a deer that was facing him I was done with the show and him. He went on about, "this is going to be controversial but its a good shot if you can make it", Blah, Blah, Blah. He was taking about putting an arrow between the chest and shoulder of an onward facing deer. I never had much liking or respect for the guy and lost all of it right there. In the unlikely event that he invited me to hunt with him I would IMPOLITELY decline.
I agree with ya Justin 100% I like Chris and he can shoot like no other but the music to me is a turn off!!!! And my Daddy always said if you don't intend on eating it don't shoot it and besides Yotes because I am not eating a dog I have lived by that rule.. Walt
I sure don't listen to that funky kind of music on a regular basis, but it seems to fit with him and his show and I can tolerate it for 30 minutes at at time. I like the enthusiam that he brings. It's the type of show that won't appeal to everyone but it's a nice change of pace. He's wicked with his Mathews too, but I hear he's changed over to Bowtech/Diamond for the next season.