Why do I care how old a deer is? Well, in my midwest locale age is very relevant. Not in bragging rights personally, but in deer potential. Let's cut to the chase-Most bowhunters are usually interested in shooting a mature large rack buck in any given year, but I sure don't want to shoot a 140" 2.5 y/o as he may very well be a Booner in a year or two. Once a take him out of the herd, that's one less possible B&C for me to hunt next season. However if a 140" 4.5+ y/o walks by, then he is definately being considered by me for taking as he likely will not gain much more in inches in the next couple years.
Why do people want to catch bigger fish? Why do they throw back the little ones? Or even catch and release the bigger fish? Very relevant, I think.
I really paid it no mind for 17 years. However, this year it has interested me, and I will continue to try and learn as much about aging deer as possible.
My Grandpa lived to be 101 yrs old. It was because he had a healthy diet, plenty of excercise, and not too many folks shootin' at him.:p
What if you have a 140" 8 pointer, that is 2.5 year old? More than likely I would let him walk to see what he looks like at 3.5 years or a monster 4.5..... I hope your not the guy shootin' spikes and 4 pointers all day.
Perhaps for some? Why do we WORK for bigger paychecks? Want bigger trucks? Strength train for bigger muscles? Save for bigger houses and assets? Some people even take pills for bigger ****s!? :D FOR MANY, NOT ALL bigger is better. Older in MANY areas means bigger. Agreed that AGE IS the great equalizer. Anyway, fun to think about...
Age is not the great equalizer, DPSM is the great equalizer. I know in Maine where 5 deer DPSM in some places and guys kill deer. I know for fact I am not good enough, LOL
My bad, it was about age. Of those 5 DPSM, you can bet they get enough to eat and live relatively well. Except for that sexual frustration.
I dont disagree at all Jeff, At the same time if i had a 150" 2.5 year old and a 120" 4.5 year old in front of me, i would shoot at the 2.5.....would you? (Just so my team in the contest gets more points, of course )
Im glad Ohio is a 1 buck state, it saves alot of "tweener" bucks from getting shot....also saves many 1.5's from being killed.