with how your bow is shooting? How you are shooting? How your grounds are looking? how your approach will be?
I will never be completely happy with any of it. If I were, what room would there be for improvement?
i will be 100% satisfied when i smoke the circle smack dap in the middle every shot i take, but i am hapy with the way im shooting now. as far as my bow is shooting, its doing what i am expecting of it. and as far as deer activity on my hunting grounds couldnt ask for better!
Yes, Yes, No and no approach yet. Our deer sightings (on my hunting land) are way down right now which makes it hard for me to come up with a good approach.
Bow: Not bad. I would feel fairly good if the hunting season started tomorrow. That doesn't mean there isn't stuff I would like to adjust and tune better yet. Me: About the same as the bow. Feel pretty good. Still want to get some longer distance shots ironed out before the season starts. Grounds: Really well. Very few things to do yet. Want to move some trail cams and see if i can do some more early season patterning. I did some scouting tonight and am 99% sure I know where I am sitting opening day unless the wind is out of the north. My approach: Try and harvest a doe opening weekend to get some meat and get the "pressure" off my back for that 1st harvest. If a nice buck walks buy that would be gravy.
Not satisifed how I am shooting. Got my bow restrung a few days ago and need to continue to work on getting it accurate. Felt a little better tonight at 30 yards, but still off.
How your bow is shooting? As good as I shoot It, can't shoot on It's own. How you are shooting? Haven't shot much the last month and a half, been trying to rest my elbow (golfers elbow). I went to the doc yesterday and they gave me some cortisone pills, hopefully that clear's It up. Back when I was shooting earlier this year I was hot!! How your grounds are looking? If I was to go by what my trail cams tell me, terrible. They don't tell a guy everything though. Better not anyway!! How your approach will be? Early season mature buck hunting, can't wait to try. This will be my 1st try at It early In the year.
with how your bow is shooting? How you are shooting? I haven't shot in a long time. How your grounds are looking? I'm hunting all new land this year. I scouted and cleared trees this spring and haven't been back since. I want to get out and watch a few bedding areas from a distance. I'll do that in a few weeks. I know the deer flies will be absolutely horrible so it won't be fun. how your approach will be? I'm confident in my approach but I still don't know if there's a shooter out there yet. After a season of seeing only 2 deer I am making a change. My expectations are low and looking forward to future years in areas/states that actually have huntable numbers of deer. Who knows , maybe I'll pull a rabbit out of my hat!
with how your bow is shooting? How you are shooting? Bow is shooting FP's great right now. The real test will be once I start shooting BH's here within the next few weeks. New bow this year and I haven't shot a BH with it yet. How your grounds are looking? Grounds are looking great. I hunt by a few apple trees that didn't produce well this year so it might affect my strategy on hunting location. how your approach will be? Approach is the same as always. Have fun and hope to see as many critters as possible and if I'm lucky, hopefully get a good shot on a nice buck.
with how your bow is shooting? Yes How you are shooting? Not yet, probably not ever. How your grounds are looking? They look the same as last year. I'm not overly excited with what I'm seeing on trail cam though. how your approach will be? It's getting there. I'll be employing the climbing sticks/hang on stand method this year giving more flexibility in the trees I can get into.
I am happy with it all. There is always a little room for improvement with shooting. Although I am shooting the best I have in quite awhile. Everything else is good. My hunting grounds are producing some nice doe pictures. My dad has 1 nice buck so far. The areas have growing brushy so i have some good bedding areas. Bring on bow season!!!
The bow is doing great, i feel real good about my shooting, I still have some work to do on the properties before im ready to call it good.