I only like to bowhunt these days. If my children decide to hunt, it will be with a bow. If they decide to use a gun after the age of 18, then that is their choice. So I guess you could consider me an archer these days, based on your definition. It is the method of hunting that draws me into the woods, not the actual kill itself.
I only hunt with a bow and I don't do any competition....like others said I just consider myself a bowhunter. But I can bowhunt through a 60 day gun season. If that wasn't allowed,would I gun hunt? Honestly don't know.
License bureau re-issued our plates this year so I took off my old ones yesterday and hung them up in my archery room after putting my new ones that look exactly the same on my Jeep... I would think this pic would answer your question. And if you're from Missouri and want those plates, I'll save ya some time and say forget it; I called every 3 months for 6 years to get those. Hopefully, they'll be passed down to my oldest son one day.
I look at it this way, I had to become an Archer before I became a Bowhunter. I love em both! Greg, I didnt know you had a Jeep, you just got cooler! :D
LOL, yeah I've had a Jeep as my hunting vehicle for about seven years now... it's got a self-contained hauler though as opposed to that trailer-hitch version you made for yours; it's called a Grand Cherokee. :D
Hunter here, no question about it. I wasn't brought up to let the weapon dictate my enjoyment of the hunt or dictate how meaningful my kill was... that was dictated on the time spent in the woods and the company I was with.
I am a hunter, who happens to carry the bow 99% of the time. If I tore out my shoulder tomorrow and could never pull a bow again, my time in the field would not change one bit...only the weapon I carry.
i have become an archer who doesn't care to hunt with a gun anymore..............i LUV archery and everything about it!!! never was as excited about deer season until i gave in,put down the guns and picked up the bow........now i know i'll never put it back down --- the archery addiction is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely a hunter first who enjoys archery. I enjoy shooting but I spend more time hunting and prepping for the season (scouting, planting plots, hanging stands, etc).
I have pondered this question and until Matt put his comments in, I wasn't sure what I was. When taking into account everything that I do in preparation for the season, I am a hunter more than an archery. That said, I also throughly enjoy offseason shooting activities. (3D, backyard, Indoor) If my bow was merely a tool used in my hunting, I know I would not enjoy it as much, but on the flip side, hunting could never be just another archery related activity for me.
Well said !! Hunting, for me- means archery. I knew this question would make people think, because, we are all extremely passionate about hunting AND archery. Truth is- we are BOW-HUNTERS. Archers who love hunting. A few have expressed that they are hunters who love archery. No right or wrong......Not at all. When I think about hunting, its with a bow. I never think, man, when gun season rolls around I may be able to get that deer in range. When hanging stands, its about BOW range.. Please dont see me as anti-gun, I am not. I'll hunt turkey with a gun(sometimes) and deer(rarely)..Is there any feeling better than drawing back on your quarry ? Man, you've gotta love it....
After taking my 3rd doe of the year last night, i think i made the decision in my head to stick with the bow for the rest of the year. I have 1 tag left, my buck tag, and shotgun season opens Wednesday. Right now, im so confident with my bow that i don't want to change anything up.
I am a hunter who prefers to take game with archery equipment rather than guns. If I didn't hunt....I wouldn't be an archer at all.
That's what does it for me... every single time. It's one of the things that keeps me -- or makes it harder -- for me to work into becoming a true trophy hunter. I just LOVE drawing on and shooting deer -- period.
Here, here!!! I love shooting deer with a bow. I was almost ready to slap a 5 point two weeks ago, cause of this. Nothing would have been wrong with it other than PA only allows one buck tag and I couldn't burn it on him. I have two tags left, a buck and a doe and I fully intend to use both.