How many here are a member of a local archery club? I have 2 locally, but neither offer an indoor rage like I had hoped. Is there any great reason to join one of these? I am still pretty new to the sport and have a lot to learn. Maybe it will be a very helpful tool during the learning process. ::edit:: It appears I posted this in the wrong area :smash:
Archery clubs are great places to speed the learning curve provided you find the right club.They can be primarily made up of hunters or target archers.The ones made of target archers will likely be better from a learning form and bow knowledge perspective.Ideally you would find a good balance of the two.
I have a club not far from me that I am planning on joining soon. They offer ton's of great benifits that even if I don't use it as much as I would like I will definetly get my moneys worth!
Ours disolved. To much BS...everybody wanted the power, but NOBODY wanted the responsibility. It became WAY more trouble than it was worth.
Same here!! I was actually the VP of the club at 16 years old so that right there tells you how lazy everyone was. I also got sick of the BS with the big ego's with the hi ho compound shooters, I was still shooting a compound yet but the attitudes turned me away from being part of the club so I quit and It wasn't 6 months later the doors were closed for good. Kinda sad If you ask me, I miss the good old days when It was fun. We use to have people come from other states to shoot at the 3-d shoots we would put on. 500 people easily a weekend, that was awesome back In the day. Allot of people said our shoots were the best In the state, big reason why was because they were realistic shots.
Thanks for the info fellas. I want somewhere to be able to go and have fun while improving my archery abilities. But I deal with enough BS at work to have to worry about it on the side. Maybe I will check one of them out and try to get a feel of how the people are one of these days. Its just hard for me cause I am not able to shoot at my house so either have to go to a friends house or our to my fathers.