Both my Dell's are pretty much shot, one having a fatal error the other crashes and freezes up and takes forever to get on line and I have Verizon Fios. So, I want an Apple Imac but the wife has never heard of them. I need to sell her on them. Tell me your thoughts of them good or bad.
Pros? Seem to be less of a headache for most users than a PC (still debatable imho). Stylish (if that matters to you). Cons? Price (You can debate this with me until you're blue in the face, but you won't prove to me otherwise, that Macs are overpriced when compared to their PC counterparts, although I'll admit the gap is narrowing). Upgrade ability (especially in the iMac) is much more expensive (when purchased straight through Mac). Since a Mac is essentially a PC inside a Mac case these days, you can purchase many of the upgrades yourself for cheaper. However, the iMac is limited in the upgrade department, so if this is a long, long term investment, keep that in mind. I like OSX much better than anything Microsoft has to offer, so that's a plus. All in all, they're certainly a good option. Weigh the pros and cons, and see what would better fit your needs. I will never own a Mac simply because I build all of my machines, and so I can get the best bang for my buck, for the average home user, I think you would be happy with an iMac. Granted, like Hooker is eluding to, the OS and the system takes a little getting used to if you have no previous experienc.