Hunted until 11am and didn't see anything, not even a squirrel. It has been very very slow around here for me.
Ya I hunted Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Today I didn't bother way too warm. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy windy and rain so I'm gonna call it a day. Saturday morning though we're going from 60s to below freezing in one night. So Saturday morning I'm gonna sit all day.
I agree it is way to warm. Starting tomorrow the temps drop a good bit around here. I am heading to OH this afternoon. But even next week the highs are in the 50's not almost 80 (F) like it has been here. People say the deer will still move because of the rut but I have never hunted almost every day of a week and not see a single deer. The heat definitely played a role for day time movement in my opinion.
I am going to look for a buck I shot last night. The hit looked good, my lighted nock hit right where I wanted it to, but we looked for 3 hours and found nothing last night. Found my nock with about 12 inches of arrow about 100 yards away. No blood anywhere. I am not feeling that confident but hopefully we will see something in the daylight that could not be seen at night. I was really hesitant about posting this because I cannot stand losing animals.
Dmen was it maybe high? I did that with a doe once. Thought it was boiler room. I didn't even have a doubt in my mind it was dead. Waited like 45 mins got down from tree and was amazed to see blood was very far and few in between. That high shoulder has no vitals and won't show a lot of blood. Good luck man. Keep looking.
No buck. I covered every inch of the property I am hunting. The shot was actually on the low side, but it was right where you would think would be a quick kill. The busted portion of the arrow had good blood, but we never found one speck of blood we grid searched and came up with nothing.
Dmen it's ok man. It is what it is. Get back in that tree. Pole... Omg... What a buck. Congrats man. In the tree this morning. Let's see how she goes.
Until last night, the mature bucks weren't moving much around here at all. My first experience with this guy was two years ago. I was driving home and seen a buck cross the highway onto a property I could hunt. I hunted that stand the next day, all day.. Nothing. That year, I left a camera all thru rifle and late bow season. I had one picture of him, 3am during the rifle portion. He was becoming a true hit list ghost. I started finding leg sized rubs two weeks ago, on this same ridge. I love to hunt fresh, big deer sign. Last night was going to be a bust until the last 15 min of shooting light. A small buck had been grunting down in the bottom. I had tickled the horns a few times trying to make something happen. I had a group of does in front of me that spooked from something on the high side of the ridge. As late as it was, I was thinking about an opportunity to get down. That's when, what sounded like a horse trotting towards me.. I got my binoculars on him at 30-40 yards through the brush. I could tell, he was nice. By the time I got my bow in my hand, he was 15 yards and walking fast. With bow drawn, I grunted 3-4 times, the last was pretty desperate .. He finally stopped. I watched him run down the ridge, turned and back up towards me. It was too dark to see any blood, but he acted like he was going to go down. His last move was to run back down the hill another 20-30 feet. Slick trick and double lung.. I will get a score as soon as I can. He is at the taxidermist right now.
I do know they ask you post it asap in the entry thread. You might just have to put "score to come" or something. They do that to discourage people holding bucks to see if they get a bigger one. Great story and congrats again man!
Ok, I will do that. I should be able to get a score in a week or two. My taxidermist is only a few miles from here. Thanks again )