Looking over their specs of their bows, they seem quite impressive (although Canadian made :d ). The python X and Black Mamba XL look as if they're pretty attractive target/hunting setup. I can't quite get over the riser, though. I think they're god awful ugly, but if they shoot great, who cares, right? I mean, plenty of people shoot Hoyt, and look at them:d Python X Black Mamba XL
I actually like the looks of the Black Mamba XL and the specs are good too. I wanted to shoot them but I don't know of any dealers around here that carry them. I do worry that they would have some serious hand shock and a bad draw cycle, I don't know why but thats the feeling I get just looking at the photos. I do think that the riser hook is pretty cool and I really like that the riser has a broadhead wrench and a knife sharpener built in, that is pretty darn cool.
Their risers are certainly unique, that's for sure. The Black Mamba XL is about what I look for in a bow. Generous brace height, 36"+ ATA, and relatively good speed.
I like the looks and specs of the Viper, It looks like it would be a sweet shooter. I would give more thought if they had a Viper XL that was in the 34-36" a.t.a. range with all of the other specs remaining the same.
They are ugly as sin, look like they could be shooters though. I dont think ive ever held one, or even seen one in person. I would be interested in shooting one though!
They seem very functional. Great idea with the claw hanger! How many times did you wish you had a cheap bow hook with you - this has one built on it. I would seriously consider buying one of these if i could get my hands on one. I'm going to talk to my friend to see if he can become a dealer.
Yeah, the limbsaver bow isn't as ugly as these, imho, but the specs on these are the type of specs I look for in bows.
I don't know, I really like the looks of the APA bows, it is definetly different, but I don't think it is anywhere near as ugly as the Limbsaver bows.....I would be worried that the deer would laugh me out of the woods... they have like a 5 foot long limb pocket for cryin out loud :d :d :d
I honestly think that the APA bows can be described as 'sleeper bows'. The first time BowTech came out with their CP bows I was not attracted to their 'looks' at all, however over the last 2-3 years I've owned three of those CP bows. Sorta grows on ya! Maybe the same can be said for the APA bows...they're not very attractive. Nevertheless if you can get the 2009 King Cobra in your hands you'll see what a beautiful bow this is. It's smooth, draws real well, vibration free, great grip, excellent features, and fast. The guy that owns the company will go out of his way to please anyone. He's now trying to step up on the marketing aspect of his company and in so doing is even stocking his bows at Pro shops on consignment. I know those TOP END Bow manfactures are not even interested is such a discussion, unfortunately. Just goes to show how this guy is reaching out to archers. If you can get your hands on an APA Bow...do yourself a favor and shoot'em, you'll be plesantly surprised.
Yeah, I just was looking over the specs of the King Cobra the other day. I have to say, on paper, their bows are IMPRESSIVE.
ampahunter, have you actually shot any of the apa bows?? Curious because I've never met anyone who has even seen one!
Just over three weeks ago the owner brought all the models to my buddy's bow shop here in Ontario Canada and we shot every one of them. The King Cobra is a hellofva bow. My buddy even ordered one for himself. What shocked me was when Nibal (the owner) drew the bow back as if cocking a crossbow, removed a pin from the riser pushed it in between the bottom cam and the limb, then removed the string from the bow. My first thought was this could bend the cam axle or even the cam, but he was resolute that this would not happen. No need for a bow press with this bow. But for me it will take some more time to accept the shape of the bow, although the black/green colors of the King Cobra is just gorgeous.