Anyone use mouth calls in place of grunt tubes? And in mouth calls I mean your own dang vocal cords. I am interested. If some of you all convince me it can be done I will begin practicing. I am sure my wife will be ecstatic if I begin to practice my mouth calls on a daily basis.
I have never tried it in the woods because it would probably sound horrible. :d I do use my voice to stop walking deer though. Interesting stuff though, I've heard about people that use only their vocal chords for calls.
I've tried this with a forker, last season. Held his interest for a minute or two. I don't mind experimenting with does and small bucks but when it's game time with the big boys, I doubt I'd attempt it.
I can already somewhat mimic the snort wheeze( a call I have never heard nor used in the wild). I can also do a low grunt sound of sorts of an immature buck (a sound I have heard in the woods before). But if someone says it can be done, I will try it. I am very interested in reducing the things I bring into the woods.
Many times Brett! I can sound exactly like a buck grunting by burping when It comes out right. Back 25 years ago dad wanted to take me elk hunting with him. I could throw a bugle out pretty damn good, lots of people were Impressed. I've read allot of articles of people taking their kids with them elk hunting so they could bugle for them.
Steve, your post gives me confidence. I remember hunting about 3-4 years ago one morning and hearing the oddest little sound coming through the woods. I stood up and grabbed my bow. About 30 seconds later a 1.5 year old buck was grunting behind a doe and came by at less than 10 yards. I will forever remember that sound. It wasn't your typical deep grunt. It was so low I could barely hear it when he was 20 yards away. Sounded like a little kid was playing games in the woods.
That's just It Brett, all bucks sound different when they grunt. Back In the day I was always under the Impression that the bigger/older the buck the deeper the grunt, couldn't of been more wrong. I've heard some sissy sounding grunts that turned out to be 4.5 year old 140" bucks. One just never knows that's for sure.
I can do the "burp" thing that Steve referred to. It sounds very much like a grunt. I can also call turkeys using only my mouth, no calls. I have killed several doing that and have called many.
It's what we used befor grunt tubes, still do alot of deer vocalizations by mouth or through the nose.
I did last year, called in a doe from about 150 yards and nanny wacked her at 30 yards. Just a few fawn bleats that I had heard in the wild before and gave it a try.
Thats all I have used for years!!!I even taught Todd how to do it. i don't burp it is more of arnt sound that I use.. Walt