Go to your User CP, Then under Setting and Options, Click Edit Options, At the very bottom under Miscellaneous Options Change your Message Editor Interface to Enhanced Interface. I know some asked.
yupper, but it still says I have 204 unread PM's that I cannot find. LOL, I had to remove one of your smilies Germ to post my own. It only allowed 6 images.
Nope, zero in my sent field. It says 204 UNREAD in my inbox but they are NOT there. One spot it says zero in my inbox, the other like in the upper right under my User and Your Notifications, it says 204 and on my status bar, it says 204 but they are no where to be found. Oh, and if I look at them under a different mode, I can see they are old ones but they are no where to be found where I can delete them. Even if I hit , empty folder, they never go away. No biggie but just curious.
Jeff is right - create a new folder and call it whatever you want. Your missing PM's will show up in there and you can either move them to your inbox or delete them - your choice. A small problem caused by the data move when the new forum came online.
The last time I followed you guys directions, I ended up deleting part of my computer regristry. The hell with it!!