I'm thinking of taking the wife out to "try" this sometime this year. She has a sort of fasination with carp... When we came to MN, I took her out fishing at Lake Elmo. First time really fishing. She was being dumb, and decided to take the bobber off, and just use her worm on the bottom... That was the biggest fish she ever caught. Rough estamate, would say the carp was about 16-22". I never got a good look at it, just its head when I was trying to grab it through the hand rails on the pier. lol. I will never forget that fish. The look on her face when she pulled on the line, and it took off, Priceless. But I have some oldtimers gear, and I thought that I would put it to use this season. I am trying to get the wifey into archery. She does really well for the couple of times we brought her out. I think going after carp would be okay in her book. We just don't have anywhere to "dispose" of the unwanted remains...She wants to try some of them, but I personally don't know what to do with them other than that. I would like a back up plan, in the event that she does not want to go out and do this. We should definatly meet up and make a weekend out of it. Camping, archery, fishing...Beer may or may not be involved. THat depends on age, and if you drink or not I guess. Plus, I have this "new" Jeep tent that she keeps b-ing that I bought, and never use. (I bought it in the end of Sept. last year.) Didn't plan on using it during the winter... Let me know when spawn comes through, and we should deff. hook something up.
Heading out all next week. My little present for finishing the semester. Then I start work. Should get good around June 1st in EC MN, always does...
How are the water levels up there? Theres a crick that is usually about 2.5 or 3 ft. deep around here. It's dry now... The gov's fishing opener is at White Bear Lake? I think. I know that was on the news earlier this week. The DNR had to go dig out some kind of trench so the boat landing was accessible. The shore line was about 7 feet off! lol.
White Bear is soo low. My Mother in law lives near it so I will be by it tommorrow. About 15 feet low I swear.
Water levels suck here as well. I'll be hitting the river In about a month, should be good being It's low.
Still waiting to go out. Need someone to take the fish for me though. lol. I will probably keep some, just not too many.
Have been out 3 times. Totals for the year (as a 2 man boat): Dog Fish: 4 Carp: 1 Sucker: 1 A little rain, and some warm temps to get the water temp up and the carp will be in the shallows soon.