Well it's spring time, and nice to be back in the woods. I've been out with my son hunting and calling from some friends having a good ole time! Is anyone out there chasing Turkeys, Hogs or.....??? I transfered my turkey tag to my son and he took one with the shot gun, his first, it was awesome! I'll have to wait until middle of May to chase them with my Bow up in Michigan! Anyone having any luck??
I am dirty, I am still chasing one (mainly for my wife though) with the compund. I know 30 lashes right. I just honestly do not feel ready to be slinging em with the stick and string yet. Gimme 3 more months though.
starting tomorrow, trad gear only on turks for 25 days ...still checking my bear bait..nothing yet.. will be hitting my better bear spot in about 2 weeks.
Thats awesome, 25 days to chase turkeys! We only have a 5 day season here in Wisconsin! In michigan I have the month of May but its 8 hours away, I'll only get up there maybe a weekend or two this season! Good luck brother!
You know I'm hunting from my posts and videos. Here in VA: Spring Turkey Season Bag Limit One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season. Seasons: Statewide •April 11-May 2, 2009: ?One-half hour before sunrise until 12 noon each day. •May 4-May 16, 2009: ?One-half hour before sunrise to sunset. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good luck guys, I cant complain about our 40 day season and 2 spring tags. I can take a hen or gobbler, not quite sure I want a hen but any gobbler will get an arrow thrown his way! Jeff, thats how I am doing it, no blind no nothing but me and the woods..long bow or recurve.. either or I will just pick by how I feel that day, shooting them both almost identically the same..
BF, dang a 5 day season really packs it in tight.. thats gotta kinda stink! Everyone and their brother are out hunting turks all at once I bet.
I'll be heading to Kansas on Sunday for 4 days of turkey hunting. I've been practicing drawing and getting a shot off while sitting against a tree. I don't think this is gonna be easy! I haven't tried shooting the LB out of my pop-up yet. I'm not sure it will fit.
No trad gear this bow season for me. Not enough shooting practice & not that much time to get out. It'll be all I got to get one with the shotgun.
Me too shed, the last day of our season, gonna try to make it count. Will take some pictures and post up this evening if I get any good ones.
Got rained on and had some hens within about 40 yards this evening.. no gobblers though, the gobbler was split away with three other hens about 400 yards from me. Nothing ever came to close but hey I got to try out my new camo for the first time tonight in the rain.. worked great.
Sorry I missed this post shed. Its a 6 period season, 5 days for each period, wednesday thru sunday. Its also a lottery type deal so its spread out fairly well. We didn't run into to many guys while out. I just glad my son shot his first bird!
Joe, congrats to your boy! cant beat that.. I have been trying hard to run down a gobbler with my trad bow..been within 35 yards twice, nothing closer... trying again Friday.
Yeah is was the greatest moment in the woods hearing that BOOM of his shotgun! Proud papa I am! I was pretty fired up to chase the Turkeys with my Longbow but when I found out I couldn't get Dominic a tag in time because of hunters ed time frame, he passed the weekend before, so I transfered my tag to him and overjoyed to do so! I had the time of my life! Good luck brother!