I'm trying to see if any of the big name archery companies would be interested in possibly selling equipment at a reduced cost or donating equipment to help out my archery club at school. I go to Western Illinois University, and there have been people that have expressed interest in joining the club, but are new to archery and do not have bows. We aren't exactly loaded when it comes to money, and don't have any bows for them to use. I hate to see people possibly not see how great of a sport archery is just because of not having equipment to use. If any of you know some people that might be able to help me I'd greatly appreciate it. I don't want to just talk to someone that is going to give me the run-around, but genuinely cares. If any of you could help me out it'd be awesome. Thanks!
You might want to start with Bowtech, they do a lot for our military guys and might be willing to work with a school and you already shoot their bow
Matthews does a lot for the local NASP (National Archery in Schools Program) they may also be helpful to you, if you get in contact with someone there. There are several BT advisory guys here, that may be able to help you out as well. TFox is a Hoyt guy, he may have some advice as well.
You might want to start here. http://www.nasparchery.com/activea.asp I'll talk to Bowtech, but since there is already someone to take of this type of thing not sure what they will do.
NASP is the way to go I have been with the program at our local school for 4 years now. (Basic Instructor) Here is the direct link for ordering at a reduced price: http://www.nasparchery.com/activea.asp?CompID=23&btnSubmit=ByFileCategoryID&cboApplicationID=321&cboFileCategoryID=972 My son Dylan first kid in the last row from the left. T
I would think it would be pretty easy to get a couple of companies to help out. Just do the leg work and start calling and talking to people. I had great luck when looking for equipment for the Boy Scouts. Matthews really stepped up, Gold Tip Arrows really stepped up and even a local archery shop stepped up and helped out a ton. You will find that most companies would be more than willing to help out a program like this. It helps promote the sport, their products and is a nice little tax cut also. Good luck!
I'm sure there is something that we offer. Call BowTech at 888-689-1289 and ask for our Marketing Assistant - Michelle Dawson. She can provide you with any details.
I started the OU Archery club and the first place I went was to the local shops... aside from bows, they were willing to help out with arrows, targets, etc... Just a thought.