Just wondering, does anyone else on here have an aquarium? Right now I only have a 29 gallon tank, but I'm in the process of setting up an 85 gallon octagon tank that i got for free :D Planning on making it a natural looking tank with driftwood and live plants.
I have a 10 gal. fresh water and my dad has a 29 gal sal****er. When I get out on my own I will get a real aquarium. I love watching my fish.
i HAD a 75gal reef tank, i thought about reviving it about 4-5yrs ago for my daughter... after investigating it I changed my mind... its just ridiculously expensive...
Me and my roomates did a little pet experiment that involved 4 fish and 3 bowls. 1 fish and 2 empty bowls are all that remains
Of sorts.... I empty it every June or early July. We have 2 of these tanks. One is 8 feet the other 10. We incubate and raise about 55,000 Atlantic Salmon in them. LOL Here's the view from our tanks looking out the window. Here's the hatchery
My fish was an African Cichlid, too. I kept him in a bowl (which you are not supposed to do) and he only lasted about 6 weeks.
I have a 29 gallon fresh water tank. I've had it going for years and years and years. Mollies Swordtails Tetras Zebras (2) Cory catfish ...and one big Plecostamus (sp?) Edit: iHunt... You mentioned driftwood. I have a piece of driftwood in my tank (kind of shaped like a boomarang - so the fish can swim around it, in it, through it, etc...). Driftwood is really excellent, but it takes WEEKS for it to finally get waterlogged enough to stay submerged. I had to balance a small brick on the top of mine to hold it in place while it got settled. Driftwood can (from what I've read) bump up the pH level in the tank, but not drastically. If you're at 6.8 or 7.0, the driftwood will eventually make your pH read 7.2 but nothing too bad.
I had a tank with a bunch of different fish in it when I was younger. I came home from school one day and the tank was empty. Mom said all the fish died that day. I think they ended up swimming with the corn from last weeks supper.
i have 65 gallon community tank. a 35 gallon hex tank with african cichlids, and a 55 gallon biosphere tank with a musk turtle, a red eared sunfish, and mud puppy all caught from the same creek.
Mnbowhunter... check out our website. If you explore all the tabs you'll find some neat stuff. They're catching our fish as big as 27 1/2 inches. http://www.fishcreeksalmon.org/
DAVID!! What a beautiful Hatchery set up!! I would love very much to come see it cometime! I keep meaning to head over to Fish creek Anyway! Much Thank you to you and your Group for Putting forth such a fantastic Effort for Salmonid Preservation!
Well it's not so much preservation as it is reintroduction. They had been in abudance a long time ago. They disappeared from the watershed about 150 years ago. The club wanted to try reintroduction starting back 15 years ago. My brother retired from the Marines and was one of the founding members. He did lots of leg work and got approval from NYSDEC. They finally gave their blessing but added.... "It won't work but help yourselves". The early years were trial and error, starting first with burying egg boxes in the rocks and gravel. Spring thaws took a toll. Then we started hatching our own eggs. Bought eggs from several sources until we found a strain that did well. I've been doing it for 3 years now. Everyone else works so I have the duty of feeding, monitoring the water and picking out and counting the dead ones... EVERY FRIGGING DAY . LOL 7 days a week. The hatchery is remote because it's where the good water is. We're exploring a second site for possibly building new or another. Harden Furniture has offered us land, materials and equipment to do it. Now the jumping through hoops part is starting. It' s lower down and in a flood plain. Requires a bunch of approvals. The state has seen the light and know our fish are surviving some. They work with us a lot. The hatchery in Rome comes out and takes a sample of our fish for testing. They loaned us tanks to take to Vermont to pick up some fish this year to replace the ones we lost this year. We had a very bad die off this year. Normally we loose maybe 5-10 percent. This year we lost 40 percent. Of those we stock they say we'll be lucky to have 2 percent reach maturity. So we stock 55,000 a year and hope to have maybe 1000 or so reach maturity. We do know a lot are caught as 8-10 inch juvenilles by people who think they caught a rainbow. I ran into 3 people this year with dead Atlantics they thought were rainbows. This page has our hatchery as it looks now. We added on to have a work area. In the picture I'm the guy with his back to the camera, my brother Paul seated and our current club president facing. This was taken on our second stocking this year. You also get an idea of how big the fish are when we turn them loose. http://www.fishcreeksalmon.org/Stocking-2009-2.htm