I usually don't bow hunt during winter...I prefer the fall MUCH better. Does anyone actually go out in the 5 inch snow?
It's actually kind of cool. (hahaha punny!) Seriously tho', if you can handle the chill, it's really neat to watch the deer in the snow. Blood trails in the snow are pretty nifty too.
I figure if it's going to be cold, it might as well snow. However, the snow will probably keep me from hunting tomorrow since I have to drive 60 miles to my hunting spot and the county roads usually are pretty bad with fresh and blowing snow. And while many of my friends think that my middle name is 'Drive Fast and Take Chances' I really don't like driving that far in the snow.
I told myself this year would be different. I would get out and hunt alot late season...However, its not easy to get up early from your warm bed when its 10 degrees outside, with a wind chill that makes it 2.... I prefer my blankets and heater... Fall time is just so much easier and im still motivated to get in the stand everyday.
We usually get very little Snow here in extreme Southern IL, but the last 3 Decembers I have hunted snow up to 12" deep with temps as low as 25 degrees below zero in Nebraska. It was definitely a blast, and after a big snow hits, once it quits the Deer really start moving! I thought at times they were just popping up out of the ground ;-) Dan
I love to hunt in the snow. These temps make it hard to sit a very long time, but if you can force yourself it can be quite a good time. Typically, you will either see nothing or a bunch as they are all grouped up now, but there is not much prettier than deer in the snow.
Whatever you do, don't listen to any advice from a guy named Buckeye... he hardly hunted at all this year! :D