And this is the perfect shoot to challange someone. Both guys standing on the platform shooting at the same targets as they pop up. The pressure builds arrow after arrow till the last target falls. I can surely see this being a hit at the Hunt Club. Line up to be owned gentleman!!
:DHey, thats my old Avatar :D Im also calling out Germ, I have a Kentucky revenge shootout with the spooner :D
Well the 3D Pop-Up system will be at the GTG this year. Todd signed the deal at the Iowa show last weekend. :D Practice your speed loading boys!
So what exactly is the process in this pop up? Do you face off with your opponent and whoever shoots the most targets in the allotted time wins? Enlighten me Please.
In the tournements I've been in, each shooter shoots 2 rounds. You shoot 1 arrow at each animal as it pops up. Usually 7 or so animals per round. You score just like a regular 3D shoot, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 14. The top 16 scores then shoot against one another on the stand 2 at a time. Each shooting 1 arrow per target as they pop up. The person with the higher score moves on to the next elimination round and the low score is eliminated. Continue the eliminations until there is a winner. This could also be used to challange someone on the stand to see who stands up better under the pressure, just for fun of course. It really gets fun when the speed the animals pop up and go down is increased. It can really be hard to find the string with your nock. You can also shoot as teams. Both shooters on the stand at the same time and each shoots an arrow at the target. Total both shooters arrows for a team score.
OKAY, here is the official lowdown from Todd. He and I spoke today. The pop-target evolution is in. But small catch, we'll have to pay $15 to shoot it. It's very expensive to bring to the gtg, and Todd is pickup a large part of the cost. Not really that much to participate at quality shoot.